Pierre Ethier - Applied Scientology Processing Auditor Class XII

Suppressive Groups





L. Ron Hubbard originally defined the concept of Suppressive Groups in a Policy Letter dated 29 June 1968 (Enrollment in Suppressive Groups).

He stated "SUPPRESSIVE GROUPS, are defined as those which seek to destroy Scientology or which specialize in injuring or killing persons or damaging their cases or which advocate the suppression of mankind".

However, in actual practice, the Church of Scientology (and Hubbard himself for that matter), has branded as Suppressives anyone who started a splinter or divergent group.




By actual record, the Church of Scientology declares as Suppressive:

1- Any splinter group, whatever were their motives or activities.

2- Any whistleblower or group denouncing illegal acts performed or ordered by the Church of Scientology or any of its principals.

3- Anyone refusing to comply with orders issued by the Church Elite, no matter how much these may contravene approved policy or the published aims of Scientology.

4- Anyone found to be applying Scientology, or a derivative of it without the official approval or without the paying of tithes to the Church of Scientology. Contrarily to any mainstream Church, unqualified and untrained people will make the assessment of such activities and uniformly find them to be bad and harmful without any real investigation or competence to do so..

5- Any organization whose principals are known by the Church of Scientology to be former members and that teaches anything of a mental, Spiritual or Religious nature, even when it has no real connection with Scientology nor seeks to compete with it.

6- Any group or Association that has copied ideas found in Scientology or L. Ron Hubbard writings and seek to apply them, without the official approval of the Church of Scientology and the payment of large amounts of royalties. This especially applies to any new Churches created in accordance with the laws of the land.

7- Any group of  individuals that seeks to challenge the activities of the Church of Scientology or its leaders, even when invoking the writings of L. Ron Hubbard and the original materials written by Hubbard in the 1950s, which the current Church of Scientology is very fond of calling scriptures.

A exhaustive and impartial analysis of top 50 splinter or dissenting group from the Church of Scientology reveals the following facts:




1- Each and every Splinter/Divergent group purported and sought to promote the ideas contained in Scientology and consistent with its philosophy. This includes the entirety of what is labeled as "FREEZONE" or Independent Field. Therefore far from suppressing Scientology, they uniformly tried to promote it. FACT: Splinter/Divergent Groups do not seek to suppress Scientology.

2- People who have claimed that a splinter Group or FREEZONE/Independent caused someone's actual injury or Death are very few in number (less than 3%) and every instance dates from the 1990s or the 21st Century as a small clique of particularly unethical, poorly trained and ignorant individuals started to rule or influence the key factions of the Freezone/Independent Field . The majority of the assertions of actual harm or death in the Freezone/Independent Field are anonymously made and easily traceable to the Church of Scientology or its agents. Since the Church of Scientology is among the most DEAD-AGENTED organization on the planet (except in the blind eyes of its fanatical promoters and OSA agents/collaborators), the validity of those claims is very easy to dispute.

On the other hand, the number of people documented with claims that the Church of Scientology has caused injury or contributed directly to the death of people is in the high Hundreds, or perhaps in the thousands. All one has to do is use the Internet Search Engine or visit the detailed files contained thousands of different accounts, testimonies and News media stories in the Internet web sites that are dedicated to the denunciation of abuses by the Church of Scientology.


A statistical analysis and study of OTs remaining faithful to the Church reveal a truly scary trend: Life expectancy for them is a mere 57 years of age: that is 20 to 25 years below the national average for all but the poorest and under-developped countries on Earth. Active membership and participation in the Church of Scientology current activities ought to be labeled: "the 1001th way to die".


Therefore, even giving reports exclusively written for the benefit of the Church of Scientology credibility, the ratio of people allegedly injured or killed by the Church of Scientology outnumbers the Splinter Groups/Freezone/Independents by over 300 to 1.

FACT: None of the Splinter/Divergent Groups has ever specialized in injuring or Killing persons.

3- As far as advocating the Suppression of Mankind, there is no evidence that any of the 500 groups listed on any list of Splinter or Divergent groups has ever advocated or encouraged such acts. On the other hand, the Church of Scientology has regularily promoted ideas described in the "ten stages of genocide" and frequently advocated that people be deprived or liberty or their Human rights should they happen to be blacklisted for whatever reason.

FACT: None of the Splinter/Divergent Groups has ever advocated the Suppression of Mankind.


4- While the results achieved by Splinter groups and Freezone factions tend to vary according to ideas and quality in their application, only a small handful of Independent practitioners (less than 5% - none of them being member of an organized group) has shown that they may be possibly labeled as "harmful". Even that claim is in dispute.

The matter of damaging people's cases is largely a subjective one.

What of the auditor who falsely validates the hallucinatory claims of a pc to please him/her? Is he truly damaging the case of the person?

What of the auditor who validates the pc who is convinced that he audits remotely and telepathically the world leaders, including President Obama?

Or how about the one who believes he/she gets daily instructions from the spiritual plane where LRH gives them daily advice on where to purchase anything from picnic foam plates to a large Plasma TV?

What of people attesting to OT8, OT48 or even  OT 1008?

Most of these people claim to be happy, though many of their peers tend to view them as delusional.

For each person pointing them up as "damaged cases", there will be those who promote them as exemplary cases.

Merely making people happy with their state of case is a questionable criteria. A number of cases, by actual record, incompetently audited people can turn on some form of Psychosis and Deep Hatred after having been audited as a victim, when they were actually a chronic aggressor and abuser of the rights of others. If one was to audit an "Hitler type" personality, the latter may enjoy his newly gained abilities as a wonderful tool for more effectively committing genocide or  spread his hatred against those he feel should be destroyed.


Lastly, of supreme, but often neglected importance is whether the person's case was already damaged by the Church of Scientology or its predecessors in the field of Mental and Spiritual practices.

In the vast majority of cases, it is simply impossible to ascertain. The Church of Scientology, typically blames its failed cases on Psychiatry and often invents newly discovered psychiatry related links to rationalize even the most justified of attacks on them.

Every case that has openly testified against a Freezone or Independent auditor for being abused, misaudited or otherwise mishandled, had done the exact same thing toward the Church of Scientology a number of years earlier.

Policies on Sources of Troubles written by L. Ron Hubbard describes responsible-for-condition cases as those insisting things such as some auditor or thing being "wholly responsible for the terrible condition I am in.” the same policy states that a "review of these cases show that they were in the same or worse condition long before auditing... and that their antagonism extends to anyone who seeks to help them".

FACT: None of the Splinter/Divergent Groups has ever specialized in Damaging Cases. Damaged cases are nearly always attributable to many causes and the evidence supports that the Church of Scientology does far more toward Damaging people's cases than any Splinter/Divergent group ever has.


The correct method of determining if someone's case has been harmed by a practice is to confine oneself to the actions of the person (something that can be impartially examined) rather than the person feelings, beliefs or alleged character (something largely subjective)

The following questions should be examined and answered based on honest and thorough examination, while brushing away any and all bias and rumors:

1- Is the individual, according to the world at large, as opposed  to groups he/she is associated with (due to the likelihood of mutual out-rudiments) becoming a better person? By better person is meant someone who help others and who behave in accordance to a Moral Code such as the one written in the Way to Happiness. Because delusional or unethical individuals tend to PR themselves an actual thorough and independent examination of their activities is required.

2- Is the person more successful along their dynamics? (especially the first three)

3- What is the level of Communication of the person? Is it highly destructive toward selected individuals or are they focusing on constructive activities

4- Is the person a PR artist?

5- Are the friends or associates of the individual people of Good-Will, (even if they may have made mistakes), or people actually involved in, actually PR artists and/or con men due to their destructive activities? Who are their friends? Who are their enemies?

6- Are they hypocritically posing as "Free Independent" while covertly acting as Informant for the Church of Scientology (the one organization who has publicly vowed at trying to destroy all Independent Scientologist and practitioners). Are their enemies the same as the Church of Scientology?




Logic, in spite of the existence of the Data Series, is something largely unknown to Scientologists. The data Series written by L. Ron Hubbard were meant to complement the fundamentals of LOGIC. But most Scientologist (both within the Church and without) view it as a replacement, therefore they tend to act in a completely illogical manner.

Normal and ethical people often state that "The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend".

Many people who have been indoctrinated by some of the false ideas taught within the Church of Scientology tend to stick to those false ideas long after they have left or even publicly disavowed any beliefs in that organization or even its philosophy and original ideas.

It is a typically action by the same kind of people to willy-nilly provide assistance to the Church of Scientology when it seeks to malign its enemies, by providing all manner of Black PR and lies against their common enemies.

In most cases, the providing of Black PR against their perceived or imaginary enemies, in forums carefully chosen because OSA and Church agents are known to frequent them is meticulously calculated to harm its target by teh typical weapons of choice of the coward: Lies, Blackmail and defamation.

The result, uncomforted by those who have a low ability to confront Evil or Reality, is that the individuals publicly attacking the Church of Scientology Enemies by using defamation, Blackmail and lies, have become de facto collaborators of the Church of Scientology and are treated as informants and reliable sources by that organization.

The net result is to weaken the target of their hatred (often an individual with limited resources or time to defend himself) and  strengthen the Church of Scientology (an organization documented to allocate unlimited resources toward the suppression of its enemies).

The only possible conclusion is that the individuals claiming to be enemies of the Church, yet actively aid the Church in its attacks of its enemies are either incredibly stupid, hypocritical or an unholy mixture of both.

Many of the EX-Scientologist boards starting with their owners and moderators act that way. The same goes with a number of Freezone/Independent Boards, in particular those controlled by the self appointed Freezone PRs, who know very well their board is infested by OSA agents and operatives, though they profess otherwise.

The only reason a board like ESMB has been allowed to continue to exist, in spite of it numerous violations of the law, and the vast resources and connections of the Church of Scientology (and its ability to get it shut it down any day it chooses to), is that it is viewed by OSA as an invaluable tool to malign its enemies and the eagerness of those who portray themselves as Victims of Scientology to do its own dirty work. And they do it for free!

Such Church allies can be created by incompetent or reckless Freezone/Independent auditors when they bypass the case of their pc and allow them to remain stuck in earlier bad and/or traumatic experiences at the hands of the Church of Scientology, yet attempt to audit them on Upper Levels or Rundowns. The resulting Blind fury or Hatred is typically targeted at anyone who may point out, especially correctly, the technical shortcomings of their auditor (the one largely responsible for restimulating the person).


SOED Flag ED 2830RB published on the 25 July 1992 is the last list of Suppressives published by the Church of Scientology. It proved to be such an embarrassment when it was leaked on the Internet, that the Church amended its policy of updating it and has since kept its ever-growing list of Declared Suppressive Persons, a secret.

All one has to do is look at the historical records of the history and development of Scientology or the names of LRH former close associates and confidantes to recognize a veritable “Who is Who” of the History of Scientology in that issue alone.

The Church of Scientology use blind zealots, fanatics and extremists such as those dedicating themselves at making Hatred web pages on imaginary enemies of the Church of Scientology, those stalking defectors to harass them and those who believe that spying on people of good-will to satisfy the pernicious agenda of OSA. The common denominator of all these people is a deep fear of the light of Truth and the exposing of their own crimes, lies and atrocities. That terror dominates their should so much that they become unable to recognize as an OUTPOINT (or illogic) the simple fact that anyone who sees 90% of one their former associates or comrades has all the attributes Paranoia. Paranoia is a condition largely created by having committed earlier a large number of harmful acts.

To summarize:

Labelling Splinter or Divergent Groups as Suppressive is based on lies and used as an expedient to rationalize the blatant disregard by the Church of Scientology for people rights to practice their own religion as they see fit or express their opinion.

True Suppressive Groups obviously do exist: The Nazis, Organized Crime, Al-Qaeda are a few of them, but they are never listed by the Church of Scientology in the lists of Enemies of Mankind, while their own defectors always are.

Declaring Splinter or Divergent groups as Suppressives is an entirely political tool whose main aim is to stamp out competition. Further it attempts to  maintain what is advertised as "the only road to Spiritual Freedom" and Spiritual redemption for Man as a Monopoly in the hands of a self-appointed Elite. That latter point is Ethically as reprehensible as can be, since its only possible result should it come to fruition is the Enslavement of Mankind.

Observation of the actual actions done by that Elite clearly indicates that the personal Aims of the Individuals that control that Elite have nothing to do with the purported Aims of Scientology nor its published Credo. On the contrary the aims of the Elite have mainly to do with the accumulation of wealth in the most expedient possible way (typically through the secret use of Slave labour, Sweat Shops and Intimidation) and in satisfying an insatiable thirst for Power over the souls that the Church of Scientology still controls.

The way to minimize the formation of Splinter Group is for the organization to remain open to the fruits of observation and to suggestions and to acknowledge people. Most Splinter Groups were created as a result of an unhandled upset or ARCX (Disagreement, Injustice, Invalidation). By keeping quality controls high and verifying that the proper standards and protocols are adhered to, results automatically follow and the demand for switching to wild unproven ideas will remain to a minimum. To utterly prevent the formation of Splinter or Divergent groups is simply impossible without adopting totalitarian measures and keeping a thought a police active.

If one is to be in the business of helping people achieve higher levels of self-determinism, one need to accept that fact. The Church of Scientology has become akin to a 1984 type Orwellian nightmare because it refused to understand that simple principle.

Pierre Ethier