Pierre Ethier - Applied Scientology Processing Auditor Class XII

OT VIII & beyond

LRH Legacy

 OT VIII and beyond what lies ahead of us???
While all evidence points to the fact that no new OT Level will be released by the Church in our lifetimes, for those lucky enough to have "strayed" away from the yoke of that Institution, the bridge needs not dead-end at OT VIII.

Throughout the years, there have been many speculations as to what OT VIII and beyond were about. A number of uninformed individual even started to broadcast, quite erroneously that LRH had never even researched or written those. The same people are also content to tell that the world that the "last technical lecture from LRH dates from 1972", utterly oblivious of the fact that in late 1975, LRH gave a series of 22 lectures on the Flag Only "Special Rundown" (later to be called "New Vitality Rundown" or NVRD, to a group of over 40 Tech People.

In 1977, in broadly released issues LRH announced that at least 15 new Levels were fully researched and merely awaiting final write-up. Also the Class X, XI and XII materials make repeated and specific references to these Rundowns coming from "research on OT VIII-XV".

I have also confirmed from private discussions with a number of individuals, some of which I have known for decades, and whom I consider to be honest and reliable that they even saw the materials themselves.


There is no such thing as OLD and NEW OT Levels, except within RTC's feverish mind (and therefore those of its followers). Except for "old OT I" (originally developed in 1966 and found in 1967 by LRH to be a dead-end), there has not been, since 1967 any "OLD OT Levels".

Its core issues written up in 1969, LRH found OT VIII to be "only for a High level Thetan", and the gradient simply too steep for most people, even a Full OT 7 completion. It took nearly a decade for tech to be developed to address those points.

Finally in 1978, LRH triumphantly announced that NOTS was the answer and the prerequisite for OT VIII. NOTS was found to be a far longer rundown than originally expected. Unfortunately over the next few years, RTC and the CSI (Church of Scientology International) re-wrote the bridge solely for "Marketing" and "Income Making Purposes" and not for "technical Reasons". NOTS, became "New OT V". The Solo NOTS Course (NOT an OT level, by any standard), became "New OT VI", and Solo NOTS (essentially the continuation of NOTS auditing, but done Solo, became "New OT VII". This was done, disregarding the obvious fact that by making "New Levels", the previous ones of the same name automatically became "OLD", in complete contrast to the Issues on technical Degrades. The issues on technical degrades are deemed so important by LRH, that he has ordered them to be at the beginning of every single course in Scientology. There is also no issue whatsoever or even order from LRH advising to market NOTS and Solo NOTS as "New OT V-VII" and to drop the previous line-up. This was a "bright idea" entirely dreamed up by the "New Management". To compound the felony, the entirety of the NOTS materials was purposely NEVER fully released by the Church to its own auditors or Public!

The original issues of NOTS date from 1978-9. Additions were made in 1982, more in 1984. In 1991, several dozens pages of actual original LRH NOTS and LRH Solo NOTS materials was released as "New NOTS Rundowns". Faithful to its insatiable greed, the Church promptly found new names to market them such as "The Held-Down Seven Rundown", or the NOTS Stability Rundowns". Had the Church been more honest, they would have called them "The previously withheld NOTS rundowns". In the same vein in 1996 and 1998 "Newly found" (or rather withheld" materials) were announced, as a method of generating interest in an ever increasing bored public. Scores of "Newly found LRH Tech" still awaits Flag public and their eventually release is planned over the next several decades.

Why would someone do such a thing? More crass than the mere Evil Intent to Harm others because of some fancied threat, (the true genus of the Suppressive), Money and Greed are the actual motives. By releasing the entirety of NOTS and OT VIII, Flag is in great Danger of forever loosing its public, because they have no Intention of releasing OT IX anytime soon. The publicly admitted goal of the Church is that when every Organization (as of the 1990s) is the size of "Old St-Hill", OT IX will be released. Considering that the average Organization has substantially lower statistics than a decade ago and that some have even permanently closed their doors, that goal is in no danger of being attained in the foreseeable future. By keeping a trickle of LRH Tech coming in, the Church feels it can maintain its rein over all of its public. Better yet, by releasing "New Vital Tech" the Church can even justify recycling its OT VIII public through a second run of NOTS and then OT VIII (a cycle they may feel justified in repeating over and over if the number of its public continues at its current stagnant level). Add an infinite variation of Sec-Checks and False Purpose Rundowns done to address any fancied wrongs the individual may have ever committed this lifetime, and you now obtain a bottomless Technical Estimate, capable of bankrupting even the wealthiest of its public. As an added bonus, the latest tech Individual to have fallen out of favor will become the perfect scapegoat for having been "discovered to have withheld those materials", when new materials are to be released.


OT VIII was originally written up in 1969. Around 1983, LRH wrote the final piece of that Rundown, a final step intended to polish up and stabilize the results.

Either deliberately, or perhaps, more accurately, as a direct result of the unawareness brought about by the burden of heavy overts, the individuals responsible for compiling OT VIII, for its 1989 release aboard the Freewinds, entirely disregarded the original OT VIII materials and merely released the "final piece" as if it were the entire Rundown. The rest is History. In spite of the carefully controlled hype, the original release of OT VIII went like a lead balloon. Within just three months, well over 10% of its original public completions were dropping off like flies either dead or seriously ill, or victim of an accident or a crime. Many of the "younger public" were either tepid about the results or per actual session records, simply incapable of running the level with any substance or reality. The actual technical reason is actually not hard to imagine. Beside the fact that they were missing the majority of the rundown, younger public had never done the Original OT VII. The Original OT VII is a beautiful Level that has a lot to do with the ability to project one's Intention across. OT VIII was originally developed assuming everyone would have done OT VII prior to it.


LRH says that OT VIII handles the subject of Amnesia on the Whole Track. By addressing the failure of the thetan to maintain his pan determined Viewpoint and remain unaffected by unpleasant experiences, one can handle the basic reason why a thetan start to go down the effect scale from total Awareness toward oblivion. A Rehabilitation of one's ability to view the Whole Track, and addressing the factors that predisposed one to have a Reactive Mind in the first place are the type of abilities one should expect at this level, aptly called "Truth revealed".


OT IX (Orders of Magnitude) was originally forgotten by both RTC and the Church of Spiritual technology in 1982 when legally registering them to their names and erroneously named Character (OT X).
For someone familiar with that level, the Technical reason for it is extremely clear. OT IX (Orders of Magnitude) intensely deals with the Universe of Others. It requires no special knowledge to realize that a
small elitist clique devout on perverting a valuable subject for its selfish gain and that an organization (The Church of Spiritual technology), whose board of Directors is exclusively composed by people
practicing a profession that is dedicated at manipulating the truth to satisfy private interests (lawyers) are incapable of any true awareness of the Universe of Others.

At OT IX one should expect a whole new level of Interaction with others, especially at the OT ability level. Things like telepathy and "reading minds" are closely associated with this level. Contrarily to the lower end of the Bridge, on each of those Upper Levels, the individual is expected to produce "tangible" and measurable results, nor mere subjective gain. After all we are dealing with factual OT abilities here, not merely "feeling better".

Whereas, the lower end of the bridge is almost exclusively dealing with "negative Gain", i.e. getting rid of what is wrong with one self, the Upper OT Levels deal almost exclusively with "Positive Gain", i.e. Gaining Abilities and rehabilitating a being. Dianetics, OT III, NOTS are example of Negative Gains. The Original OT IV-VII, OT IX and beyond are examples of Positive Gain


OT X, Character, addresses the subject of Postulates. On this Level one confronts why some, in spite of an apparent High level of OT still revel in Evil and why others remain good. OT X is meant to rehabilitate one's fundamental purpose and blow all the reasons one would ever become PTS in the first place. The result is a very fortified thetan with an enormously increased ability to make his own postulates stick. This level explains the reason why "old curses" sometimes work, and provide the ability to blow them.


Operating is a true OT Level. This is a Level the Church, who is now effectively under the Control of the US Government, is and should be terrified of. This level deals with Remote Viewing. Remote Viewing is the worst possible commodity for the corrupt individual or Organization. It is not that a decadent Organization is so much terrified at the idea of its secrets being known, but rather its elitist clique goes into a complete frenzy at the thought that its dirty backroom deals, its bribes and its secretly committing the very same acts they routinely expose in others, could become common knowledge.


At this Level, one starts to have a new understanding and viewpoint of the Physical Universe and its components: Matter, Energy, Space and Time. New notions about time are part of this level. One of the things discovered on this level is that the flow of Time is not a constant and that time actually is flowing faster today than on the early track. This level revolutionizes most people's understanding about Physics. A whole new concept about the Future opens up.


The Church does not name this Level. Its name is "Knowledge"


The Church does not name this Level. Its name is "Ability"


The Church does not name this Level. Its name is "Freedom"


From all evidences, neither the Church, nor the Government is interested in making people truly OT.

A true OT cannot be fully controlled against his will. He will not become the adverse effect of an individual or a group.

A true OT automatically supports what is good and tries to prevent what is Evil.

A true OT perceives the ulterior motives and hidden agendas of others.

Read the "OT Wins" from Advance magazines from the 1970s and compare them to "OT Wins" in recent Church Publications such as Freewinds or "Source".

The former talks about remotely causing effects, bona-fide miracles, exterior phenomena and actually exercising one's OT skills.

The later merely talks about "Feeling great", "Handling one's difficulties" and "Getting rid of undesirable traits".

In other words, the Church's OT Wins have now degraded themselves to the level of those achievable on Lower grades.

If you don't believe it, pick up a recent copy of the Freewinds magazine and compare it to an early Advance Mag.

Pierre Ethier

Class XII

Related links: About OT Levels 

Starting OT IX

Starting OT IX has been awesome. Already I find myself more in control of my environment and find that it is not nearly as threatening as I had supposed. I have come to realize that there were things about peoples character or their universe that I could be responsible for and change or not change as I decided. By looking for what I disagreed with and then discovering that I could accept it, I found that my understanding of others increased considerably and, consequently, my ARC for them.

Just a few days ago a dear friend of mine called to say that she had pneumonia. She wanted to know if I could help. I took a look at her body and found a problem in each lung. These problems seemed to be at odds with each other. The turbulence created was causing her illness. By thoroughly viewing the cause of the problem, it vanished. The next day she reported that she was out of bed and feeling so much better. A couple days later she was over the sickness.

I consider myself fortunate to have Pierre as my auditor and C/S. The auditing is without doubt far superior than any other I've received. The supervision has allowed my own auditing to flow without stops and always on track.

Signed: JB

(Published with JB’s written permission)


Success on OT IX

On OT IX, I greatly increased my awareness of myself and my perception of the universe of others, including people, animals, plants, and disembodied thetans. I find that I can easily perceive simultaneously a room full of people, each as individuals, as well as their collective mind. The universes of minds are an order of magnitude beyond what my attention was focused on before doing this level.

(published with H.J.'s written permission)

LRH Death Event : Pat Broeker

"There is ONLY ONE source!" is often forgotten by the Church Of Scientology and the Independent Practitioners

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HoCiQtVFLc&w=420&h=315]

The official LRH Death Announcement event took place at the Flag Land Base in February 1986. The event was hosted by David Miscavige, Pat and Annie Broeker and the Church Attorney Earl Cooley.

Pat Broeker said he and his wife Annie Broeker were with LRH the last days up until his death. Pat said he was assisting LRH with his research into the upper OT levels. Pat Broeker also said that LRH left completed OT levels up to OT XV and beyond. Pat was a Loyal Officer in LRH’s absence.

Below is a partial list of OT VIII's Completions based on records in Freewinds Magazine Issue # 1 to Issue # 89 (Dec 1989 to April 2012). The Church of Scientology offers only an  abbreviated version of OT VIII.

The Excel  view of the list is more user friendly

Abby Juneau Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Abby Juneau Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Adelhaid Rech Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Adelheid Rech-Gesche Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Aden Lieberman Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Adi Klevit Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Adrian Klapproth Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Adriana Scarpellini Freewinds 58 2005-05-01
Adriana Scarpellini Freewinds 60 2005-11-01
Afroditi Koi Aggelakou Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Agathe Schroter Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Agneta Stahl Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Ahuda Gorman Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Al Paredes Freewinds 87 2012-01-01
Alain Chevrot Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Alain Rosenberg Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Alan Kellman Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Alan Kellman Freewinds 61 2006-01-01
Alan Larson Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Alan Stein Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Alan Turbin Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Alan Turbin Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Alan Weidlich Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Alastair Lycett Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
Alba Gloor Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Alba Grande Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Alba Grande Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Alba Guzzo Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Albert Franceschetti Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Albert Lotz Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Alberto Santinato Freewinds 13 1994-07-01
Alda Borello Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Aldo Airoldi Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Aldo Stanzani Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Alessandra Cacciaguerra Freewinds 83 2011-03-01
Alessandra Franchi Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Alessandra Franchi Panigalli Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Alessandro Lazzari Freewinds 60 2005-11-01
Alexander Blechinger Freewinds 16 1995-06-01
Alexander Blechinger Freewinds 19 1996-04-01
Alexey Timofeev Freewinds 86 2011-09-01
Alfonso Marin Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Ali Catt Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Alice Webber Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Alicia Debbah Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Alicia Fuller Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Alicia Gray Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Alicia Suarez Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Alison Banks Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Alison Osborn Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Allen Collins Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Allen Grondin Freewinds 79 2010-08-01
Allison Banks Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Allison Boles Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Allyne Rosenthal Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Alon Roth Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Amelia Sledge Richard Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Amy DeVoe Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
Amy Elliot Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Amy Hilliard Freewinds 86 2011-09-01
Andrea Nagy Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Andree De Thiersant Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Andres Koch Freewinds 16 1995-06-01
Andres Koch Freewinds 19 1996-04-01
Andrew Chalmers Freewinds 86 2011-09-01
Andrew Hoare Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Andrew Johnston Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Andrew Kitt Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Andrew Rinder Freewinds 46 2002-06-01
Andrew Tucker Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Andy Hoare Freewinds 46 2002-06-01
Andy Jajuga Freewinds 62 2006-04-01
Andy Savas Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Anette Juhasz Freewinds 83 2011-03-01
Angel Figueroa Freewinds 67 2007-03-01
Angela Lavazza Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Angela Moret Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Angela Moro Freewinds 53 2004-06-01
Angela Sushko Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Angelica Moore Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Angie Gilchrist Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Angie Trent Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Anita Grechi Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Anita Hoock Freewinds 78 2010-05-01
Anita Lundstedt Freewinds 16 1995-06-01
Anita Lundstedt Freewinds 19 1996-04-01
Anita Mally Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Anita Schneider Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Anita Van Hill Freewinds 84 2011-05-01
Anja Preuss Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Ann Bowling Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Ann Carter Freewinds 13 1994-07-01
Ann Cigainero Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Ann Roberts Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Ann Roberts Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Ann Roberts Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Ann Snider Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Ann Thomas Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Ann Urban Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Ann Wagle Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Anna Buch Lawaetz Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Anna Carrara Freewinds 84 2011-05-01
Anna Di Meo Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Anna Di Meo Freewinds 46 2002-06-01
Anna Laino Freewinds 70 2007-12-01
Anna Lawaetz Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Anna Vascon Freewinds 87 2012-01-01
Annalisa Marinoni Freewinds 77 2009-04-01
Anne Bruce Freewinds 83 2011-03-01
Anne Gordin Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Anne Gordin Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Anne Grieg Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Anne Nielsen Freewinds 46 2002-06-01
Anne Strickland Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Anne-Sophie Rosenblad Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Anneliese Stuerzer Freewinds 11 1993-07-01
Annette Brase Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Annette Brennan Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Annie Maisriemler Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Anthony Berka Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Anthony Falcaro Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Anthony Hitchman Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Antoinette Lee Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Antonella Antonecchia Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Antonella Marlines Freewinds 53 2004-06-01
Antonella Peghin Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Antonella Peghin Freewinds 45 2002-03-01
Antonello Moi Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Antonietta Fadda Freewinds 65 2006-10-01
Antonietta Lofrano Freewinds 81 2010-12-01
Antonietta Mancuso Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Antonio Braggion Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
Antonio Della Giovanna Freewinds 84 2011-05-01
Antonio Della-Giovanna Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Antonio Mazzoleni Freewinds 60 2005-11-01
Ara Hadjian Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Ariane Jaquier Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Aris Morfopoulos Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Arlene Boeger Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Arlene Boeger Freewinds 61 2006-01-01
Arnell Burghorn Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Art Neumann Freewinds 67 2007-03-01
Art Stein Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Arte Maren Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Astrid Neal Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Aviram Lonstein Freewinds 63 2006-06-01
Avishai Shalev Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Barbara Clarke Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Barbara Dakin Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Barbara Friedman Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Barbara Gendusa Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Barbara Hegetschweiler Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Barbara Indemauer Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Barbara Kalergis Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Barbara Kinder Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Barbara Lee Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Barbara Levine Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Barbara McFadyen Freewinds 65 2006-10-01
Barbara Messina Freewinds 87 2012-01-01
Barbara Messina Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Barbara Perron Freewinds 68 2007-06-01
Barbara Rinder Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Barbara Santos Freewinds 80 2010-12-01
Barbara Silver Freewinds 67 2007-03-01
Barbara Taylor Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Barbara Wiseman Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Barey Wayne Critzer Freewinds 10 1993-03-01
Barry Critzer Freewinds 63 2006-06-01
Barry Klein Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Barry Shereshevsky Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Beatrice Findley Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Beatrice Vuille Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Beatrix Lohman Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Ben Ghiora Freewinds 56 2005-02-01
Ben Ochart Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Benjamin Garner Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Benjamin Ghiora Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Benjamin Wolff Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Bennett Weber Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Bennett Weber Freewinds 57 2005-04-01
Bente Lenz Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Berna Vandelanotti Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Bernadette Glenski Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Bernadette Glenski Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Bernard De La Cour Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Bernard Duffy Freewinds 80 2010-12-01
Bernardo Lan Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Bernd Conradi Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Bert Laing Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Bertha Aubert Llorens Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Bess Currier Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Beth Ludwig Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Beth Ludwig Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Beth Nabors Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Beth Settle Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Betsy Cramb Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Betsy Heess Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Betsy Putterman Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Betsy Roush Freewinds 77 2009-04-01
Betsy White Freewinds 46 2002-06-01
Bettina Perleberg Freewinds 81 2010-12-01
Betty Halliday Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Betty Lunde Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Beverley Ettinger Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Beverly Ettinger Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Beverly Manasse Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Beverly Park Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Bia Wunderer Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Biggi Reichert Freewinds 58 2005-05-01
Bigi Meyer Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
Bill Kilpatrick Freewinds 17 1995-09-01
Bill Kilpatrick Freewinds 18 1995-12-01
Bill Kilpatrick Freewinds 53 2004-06-01
Bill Lorentzen Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Bill Nagengast Freewinds 16 1995-06-01
Bill Nagengast Freewinds 19 1996-04-01
Bill Rhodes Freewinds 60 2005-11-01
Bill Shields Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Bill Shields Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Bill Skutta Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Blanca Brouzet Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Bob Adams Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Bob Anderson Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Bob Baritz Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Bob Flanagan Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Bob Graves Freewinds 57 2005-04-01
Bob Gray Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Bob Nastasi Freewinds 60 2005-11-01
Bob Nielson Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Bob O'Brien Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Bob Price Freewinds 78 2010-05-01
Bob Welch Freewinds 78 2010-05-01
Bobbi Grantham Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Bobbi Woods Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Bonita Wilson Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Bonnie O’Malley Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Bonnie Paull Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Bonnie Rockwell Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Bonnie Sue Krumpe Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Bonnie Troescher Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Bonnie Wright Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Brandon Marion Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Brenda Dyer Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Brenda Silva Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Brian Reso Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Brigitta Albrecht Freewinds 78 2010-05-01
Brigitta Mollmann Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Brigitte Gutermann Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Brigitte Meneau Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Brigitte Staub Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Britta Bang Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Bruce Dobin Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Bruce Goldman Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Bruce Settle Freewinds 83 2011-03-01
Bruce Taylor Freewinds 13 1994-07-01
Bruno Cantalupi Freewinds 82 2011-01-01
Bruno Perugini Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Buzz Newman Freewinds 46 2002-06-01
Calvin Poole Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Camille Bledsoe Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Candace DeVoe Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Candace Zillweger Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Cara LaRose Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Carl Borowski Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Carl Rohrig Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Carl Smudde Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Carla Moxon Freewinds 78 2010-05-01
Carlene Eckhart Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Carlo di Francesco Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Carlo Katchi Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Carlo Khatchi Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Carlos Lores Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Carlton Edwards Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Carlynn McCormick Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Carmela Pala Freewinds 82 2011-01-01
Carmelo Ferlito Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Carol Austin Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Carol Beeny Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Carol Beeny Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Carol Bertolino Freewinds 79 2010-08-01
Carol Blaut Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Carol Craig Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Carol Kingsley Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Carol Loweree Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Carol Morse Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Carol Morse Freewinds 67 2007-03-01
Carol Thoburn Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Carola Goodwin Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Carole Kight Freewinds 68 2007-06-01
Carole Smith Freewinds 7 1991-12-01
Caroline Bader Boniface Freewinds 81 2010-12-01
Carolyn Bader-Bonifas Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Carolyn Groff Freewinds 58 2005-05-01
Carolyn Judd Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Cary Wilkins Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Catherine Boulogne Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Catherine Douady Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Catherine Emrani Freewinds 61 2006-01-01
Catherine Laplantif Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Catherine Lepone Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Catherine Scherzinger Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Catherine Tweed Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Cathilea Robinett Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Cathy Alessandrini Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Cathy Davis Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Cathy Davis Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Cecile Donze Freewinds 48 2002-12-01
Chantal Valtin Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
Char Byrnes Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Char Shipman Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Charla Lorch Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Charles Blankenship Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Charles Borom Freewinds 61 2006-01-01
Charles Momsen Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Charles Rosenkranz Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Charlie Rosenkranz Freewinds 62 2006-04-01
Charlie Uslander Freewinds 53 2004-06-01
Charlotte Goettsch Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Charlotte Harness Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Chel Stith Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Chel Stith Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Cheri Hall Freewinds 70 2007-12-01
Cherie Arend Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Cheryl D'Arezzo Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Cheryl Kapuler Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Cheryl Kapuler Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Cheryl Schwalbe Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Cheryl Schwalbe Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Chiara Basso Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Chiara Staples Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Chiara Staples Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Chiara Staples Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Chiara Zenesi Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Chick Corea Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Chick Corea Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Chieko Suganuma Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
Chris Briceno Freewinds 56 2005-02-01
Chris Gerson Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Chris Kight Freewinds 82 2011-01-01
Chris Nobbe Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Chris Palmer Freewinds 13 1994-07-01
Chris Palmer Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Chris Tingley Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Chris Wertin Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Chris Wrightsman Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Chris Wrightsman Freewinds 56 2005-02-01
Christa Bordewieck Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Christa Donker Freewinds 16 1995-06-01
Christa Donker Freewinds 19 1996-04-01
Christa Koch Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Christian Bosiger Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Christian Gounord Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Christian Lussi Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Christian Svensson Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Christiane Spina Freewinds 60 2005-11-01
Christie Voight Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Christina Larsson Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Christina Lindroth Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Christina Ruane Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Christine Gerson Freewinds 78 2010-05-01
Christine Kischke Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Christine Schaefer Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Christine Williams Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Christopher Estey Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Christopher Kight Freewinds 16 1995-06-01
Christopher Kight Freewinds 19 1996-04-01
Christopher Music Freewinds 70 2007-12-01
Christopher Sperling Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Chuck DeVoe Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Chuck Koch Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Chuck Simon Freewinds 56 2005-02-01
Churlya Wurfel Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Churlya Wurfel Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Cindy Conway Freewinds 56 2005-02-01
Cindy Feshbach Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Cindy Ford Freewinds 79 2010-08-01
Cindy Gray Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Cinzia Cagnoni Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Cinzia Galazzi Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
Claes Ditlevsen Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Claes Ditlevsen Freewinds 87 2012-01-01
Claire Pinelli Freewinds 66 2006-12-01
Claire Taylor Freewinds 46 2002-06-01
Claire Woodruff Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Claire Woodruff Freewinds 66 2006-12-01
Claire Woodruff Freewinds 67 2007-03-01
Clara Ferrua Freewinds 82 2011-01-01
Clara Franceschetti Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Clarisse Meschoulam Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Clarisse Schmid Freewinds 16 1995-06-01
Clarisse Schmid Freewinds 19 1996-04-01
Claude Boublil Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Claude Froute De Domec Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Claude Sandoz Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Claudia Caspary Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Claudia Cyris Freewinds 62 2006-04-01
Claudia Engel Freewinds 77 2009-04-01
Claudia Kauer Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
Claudia Rade Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Claudia Schuhbock Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Claudio Lugli Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Clay Sayre Freewinds 17 1995-09-01
Colleen Piper Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Colleen Weinstein Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Connie Case Freewinds 53 2004-06-01
Connie Harris Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Connie Harris Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Connie Kaiser Freewinds 70 2007-12-01
Connie Lahmann Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Connie von Adelung Freewinds 61 2006-01-01
Conny Lahmann Freewinds 87 2012-01-01
Cookie Leonard Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Corinne Haff Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Corry Ryke Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Costanzo Robasto Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Craig Bader Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Craig Jensen Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Craig Jensen Freewinds 46 2002-06-01
Craig Johnson Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Craig Wilson Freewinds 82 2011-01-01
Criss Farmer Freewinds 82 2011-01-01
Cristina Bazzani Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Cristina Bruni Freewinds 81 2010-12-01
Cristina Landini Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
Cristina Morriello Freewinds 61 2006-01-01
Cristina Roveyaz Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Cyndy Wright Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Cyndy Wright Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Dagmar Roeder Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Dagmar Zavichak Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Dali Bahat Freewinds 66 2006-12-01
Dali Bahat Freewinds 67 2007-03-01
Dan Byl Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Dan Sales Freewinds 83 2011-03-01
Dan Stradford Freewinds 16 1995-06-01
Dan Stradford Freewinds 19 1996-04-01
Dana Danhoff Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Daniel Bryenton Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Daniel Robison Freewinds 52 2004-03-01
Daniela Fava Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Daniela Gonzalez Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Daniela Prior Freewinds 7 1991-12-01
Daniela Prior Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Daniela Saglimbeni Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Daniele Gounord Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Daniele Longoni Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
Danielle Ambert Freewinds 52 2004-03-01
Danielle Pozzebon Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Daphna Fischler Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Daphna Hernandez Freewinds 70 2007-12-01
Darlene Camuso Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Darlene Eggen Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Dauri Kowitz Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Dave Bromwell Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Dave Carbonarra Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Dave Erison Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Dave Gibbons Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Dave Haldy Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Dave Kluge Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Dave Parker Freewinds 83 2011-03-01
David Agami Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
David Ali Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
David Amsalem Freewinds 70 2007-12-01
David Banks Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
David Bogena Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
David Cowle Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
David Curtis Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
David Curtis Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
David Curtis Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
David Erison Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
David Gaiman Freewinds 57 2005-04-01
David Howson Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
David Jelley Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
David Kaup Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
David Kline Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
David Levitt Freewinds 80 2010-12-01
David Luscombe Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
David Minkoff Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
David Morse Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
David Morse Freewinds 46 2002-06-01
David Nunez Freewinds 78 2010-05-01
David Nutter Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
David Petersen Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
David Regan Freewinds 17 1995-09-01
David Regan Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
David Sanders Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
David Silva Freewinds 57 2005-04-01
David Slaughter Freewinds 57 2005-04-01
David Stedman Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
David Swanson Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
David Wilson Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Davide Gentelin Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
De Lores Pearson Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Dean Blehert Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Dean Blehert Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Dean Blehert Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Dean Eggen Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Dean Glosup Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Deanne Mac Donald Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Debbie Indursky Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Debbie McNeely Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Debbie Musack Freewinds 65 2006-10-01
Debbie Parker Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Debbie Sharp Freewinds 87 2012-01-01
Debbie Taffe Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Debbie Ward Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Deborah Company Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Deborah Indursky Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Deborah Salame Freewinds 70 2007-12-01
Deborah Sobocinski Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Deborah Zimmatore Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Debra Fuller Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Debra Mace Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
DeDe Johnston Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
DeDe Johnston Freewinds 45 2002-03-01
Dedo Maspero Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Dee Pearson Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Dee Snook Freewinds 67 2007-03-01
Deide Schnabl Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Delmi Garcia Freewinds 78 2010-05-01
DeLon Wilson Freewinds 80 2010-12-01
Delores Pearson Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Denice Duff Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Denise Boutin Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Denise Scherer Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Denise Scherzinger Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Dennis Dubin Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Dennis Feeney Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Dennis McKenna Freewinds 14 1994-11-01
Dennis McKenna Freewinds 15 1995-03-01
Dennis McKenna Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Dennis McKenna Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Dennis Negley Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Dennis Roland Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Denny Camara Freewinds 79 2010-08-01
Denver Frater Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Denyse Doudan Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Detlef Foullois Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Diana Balentine Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Diana Balentine Freewinds 63 2006-06-01
Diana Bathori Freewinds 79 2010-08-01
Diana Pfleger Freewinds 60 2005-11-01
Diana Sandrin Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Diana Zottola Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Diane Boito Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Diane Henderson Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Diane Klein Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Diane Korringa Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Diane Lichtensteiger Freewinds 61 2006-01-01
Diane McCloskey Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Diane Music Freewinds 68 2007-06-01
Diane Phillips Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Diane Winter-Long Freewinds 70 2007-12-01
Diane Workman Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Dianne Shuck Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Dick Eastin Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Dick Kraman Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Dick Kraman Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Dickie Conn Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Diego Vallenilla Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Dieter Schmitt Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Dietmar Kecht Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Dimitri Lanza Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Dina Pandolfi Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Divona Lewis Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Dolly Johnson Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Dolores Mangels Freewinds 66 2006-12-01
Don Chamberlin Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Don Fell Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Don Hood Freewinds 79 2010-08-01
Don Pearson Freewinds 7 1991-12-01
Don Tolan Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Donald Burgett Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Donald Pearson Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Donald Roberts Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Donatella Carlo Freewinds 78 2010-05-01
Donna Barton Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Donna Isham Freewinds 65 2006-10-01
Donna La Rock Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Donna Miller Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Donna Stewart Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Doreen Smith Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Doris Buechel Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Doris Caitak Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Doris Danne Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Doris Heinzel-Rodenhauser Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Doris Levine Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Doris Meschnark Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Dorothy West Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Dot Harvey Freewinds 14 1994-11-01
Dot Harvey Freewinds 15 1995-03-01
Dot Harvey Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Dotti Tillberg Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Dottie Tillberg Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Doug Daniloff Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Doug Walker Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Doug Weigand Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Doug Williams Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Douglas Neuman Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Douglas Sadwick Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Drew Johnston Freewinds 44 2001-10-01
Duncan Guertin Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Duncan Guertin Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Earl Smith Freewinds 66 2006-12-01
Ed Beckmann Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Ed Bryan Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Ed Bryan Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Ed Cramb Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Ed Marsh Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Ed Mooney Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Ed Rosenfield Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Edda Baraldi Freewinds 63 2006-06-01
Edda Rigamonti Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Edda Wicki Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Eddie King Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Eden Golden Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Edit Horvath Freewinds 70 2007-12-01
Edith Hodgson Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Edith Stockli Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Edna Eaton Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Edoardo Gatti Freewinds 10 1993-03-01
Edouard Wessley Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Eduardo Guillen Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Edurne Aranguran Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Edurne Aranguren Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Edward Goss Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Edward Hamlyn Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Edward Russo Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Edwin Baer Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Edwin Cramb Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Edy Ender Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Eka Zoellner Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Eka Zollner Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Ekkehard Bertsch Freewinds 17 1995-09-01
Elaine Aguirre Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Elaine Fayton Freewinds 79 2010-08-01
Elaine Manley Freewinds 66 2006-12-01
Elaine Martinez Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
Elaine Rowles-Pool Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Elana Grossi Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Eleanor Blankenship Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Elena Cardone Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Elena Cardone Freewinds 70 2007-12-01
Elena Chiancianesi Freewinds 56 2005-02-01
Elena de Mava Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Elena Fine Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Elena Gaviraghi-Soldati Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Elena Hurtado Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Elena Maria Martini Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Eleonore Reutter Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Elgin Gambert Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Elias Agami Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Elias Galico Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Elisa Brabenec Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Elisabeth Anstrin Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Elisabeth Hedinger Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Elisabeth Kochsiek Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Elisabetta Viola Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Elizabeth Barron Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Elizabeth Baybak Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Elizabeth Castleman Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Elizabeth Currier Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Elizabeth Krewer Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Elizabeth Marelli Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Elke Conradi Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Elke Conradi Freewinds 44 2001-10-01
Ellen Almqvist Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Ellen Dorsett Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Ellen Hyrne Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Ellen Jaillet Freewinds 53 2004-06-01
Ellen Woo Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Eloisa Feeney Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Eloisa Feeney Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Eloy Dewey Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Elsa Knewitz Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Else-Britt Ekstrom Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Else-Marie Ditlevsen Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Else-Marie Ditlevsen Freewinds 87 2012-01-01
Elvio Zanoni Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Emanuela Vergani Freewinds 87 2012-01-01
Emil Kauer Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Emilie Kong Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Emilio Kobeh Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Enrica Casagrande Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Enrique Espinosa Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Enrique Espinosa Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Enza Guzzo Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Enzo Belletti Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Enzo Belletti Freewinds 57 2005-04-01
Enzo Piccone Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Eric Huntington Freewinds 78 2010-05-01
Eric Mitchell Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Eric Sorensen Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Erik Vos Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Ernest Corbett Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Ernst Haible Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Ernst Haible Freewinds 48 2002-12-01
Ernst Koch Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Erwin Annau Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Eugenio Galli Freewinds 14 1994-11-01
Eugenio Galli Freewinds 15 1995-03-01
Eugenio Galli Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Eva Andersson Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Eva Berryman Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Eva Blake Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Eva Gramm Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Eva LeFevre Freewinds 56 2005-02-01
Eva Meiszner Freewinds 87 2012-01-01
Eva Neikirk Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Evan Malm Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Eve Hanson Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Eve Willnek Freewinds 46 2002-06-01
Eve Willner Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Evelyne Clark Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Evgenia Teryukova Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Evi Vogel Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Exilda Pearlman Freewinds 13 1994-07-01
Ezio Lappano Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Fabienne Bellot Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Fabio Frigerio Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Faith Barter Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Fareeda Bulbrook Freewinds 56 2005-02-01
Farhad Raschidi Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Farid Tabibzadeh Freewinds 45 2002-03-01
Farrel LaClaire Freewinds 67 2007-03-01
Fatima Baron Freewinds 45 2002-03-01
Fay Pollard Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Faye Morris Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Faye Pollard Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Felicitas Murk Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Felicitas Murk Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Felix Reinhard Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Fermin Sanchez Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Finn Lassen Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Flo Burghorn Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Flora Sullivan Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Florence Bezazian Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Florence Lo Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Floriana Fassi Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Floyd Sloat Freewinds 66 2006-12-01
Forrest Dockery Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Forrest Dockery Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Forrest van Benthuysen Freewinds 56 2005-02-01
Fran Clark Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Fran Clark Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Fran Willardson Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
France Carpentier Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
France Rochon Freewinds 77 2009-04-01
Frances Clark Freewinds 67 2007-03-01
Frances Rich Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Francesca Pala Freewinds 62 2006-04-01
Francesca Rusconi Freewinds 83 2011-03-01
Francesco Casula Freewinds 10 1993-03-01
Francesco Locilento Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Francesco Mainini Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Francesco Pedrali Freewinds 44 2001-10-01
Francine Fraser Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Franco Beschi Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Franco Beschi Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Franco Comi Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Franco Comi Freewinds 43 2001-07-01
Franco Losa Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Franco Useri Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Franco Useri Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Francoise Hooks Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Frank Aggio Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Frank Camuso Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Frank Riemer Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Frank Suarez Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Frank Vedder Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Frank Vedder Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Franziska Glur Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Franziska Glur Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
Fred Filios Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Fred King Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Frederick Holtby Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Frederick King Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Fritz Spohn Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Fritz Spohn Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
G. Randy Hepner Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
G. Randy Hepner Freewinds 46 2002-06-01
Gabi Brendel Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Gabi Gadiot Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Gabi Lanik Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Gabriele Braun Freewinds 65 2006-10-01
Gabriele Schaefer Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Gabriella Giacomazzi Freewinds 87 2012-01-01
Gabrielle Allen Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Gabrielle Crittenden Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Gaby Ryan Freewinds 67 2007-03-01
Gad Klopshtok Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Gad Klopstock Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Gaetanno Antonio Cammarata Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Gail Carroll Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Gail Carrubba Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Gail Fenn Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Gali Halamish Freewinds 14 1994-11-01
Gali Halamish Freewinds 15 1995-03-01
Gali Halamish Freewinds 57 2005-04-01
Galina Shurinova Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Galina Smolyakova Freewinds 78 2010-05-01
Garnet Palmer Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Garnet Palmer Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Garrison Clarke Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Garry Roberts Freewinds 8 1992-03-01
Gary Beeny Freewinds 53 2004-06-01
Gary Beeny Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Gary Catt Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Gary Epstein Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Gary Epstein Freewinds 53 2004-06-01
Gary Henkel Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Gary Judge Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Gary Kern Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Gary Lerner Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Gary Pariani Freewinds 77 2009-04-01
Gary Rich Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Gaudenzina Mancin Freewinds 87 2012-01-01
Gay Ribisi Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Gay Ribisi Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Gaye Corbett Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Gaye Corbett Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Gayle Rego Freewinds 11 1993-07-01
Gayle Rego Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Gaylee Dean Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Geir Isene Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Gene Adams Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Genevieve Perrin Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Geoffrey Fushi Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Geoffrey Pick Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
George Baillie Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
George Jonic Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
George Malnati Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
George Malnati Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
George Pilat Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
George Seidler Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
George Seidler Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
George Ward Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
George White Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Georgette Dumas Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Georgette Dumas Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Georgia Swenson Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Georgina Kleinman Freewinds 53 2004-06-01
Gerald Gordon Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Gerald Lee Freewinds 67 2007-03-01
Gerald McNeely Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Gerald Racheff Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Gerard Renna Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Gerard Renna Freewinds 46 2002-06-01
Gerd Schliemann Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Gerd Weber Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Gerhard Benneck Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Gerhard Lidl Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Gerhard Schwandt Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Gerhard Schwandt Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
GERMAN PEREZ BELLOD Freewinds 86 2011-09-01
Gerri Fischman Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Gerry Baldwin Freewinds 86 2011-09-01
Gerry Chromoy Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Gert Eriksson Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Gerth Eriksson Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Gertraud Perry Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Gery Ruegg Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Giancarlo Mazzola Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Gianfranco Baggio Freewinds 82 2011-01-01
Gianluca Bordoni Freewinds 10 1993-03-01
Gianna Favalli Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Giannis Bogdanos Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Gianpaolo Mucci Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Gill Dodington Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Gillian Christie-Cullen Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Ginger Rodeghero Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Ginnie Aumais Freewinds 81 2010-12-01
Ginny Boheme Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Giorgio Cairoli Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Giorgio Gobbi Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Giovanni Dell'Aria Freewinds 52 2004-03-01
Giovanni Giambarini Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Giovanni Rusconi Freewinds 13 1994-07-01
Giovanni Rusconi Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Gisela Gunter Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Gisela Hackenjos Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Gisela Pesce Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Gisele de Benoit Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Gisella Galicia Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Gisella Jaillot Freewinds 84 2011-05-01
Giuliano Cocchetti Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Giuseppe Brenicci Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Giuseppe Spinello Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Giuseppe Vitali Freewinds 86 2011-09-01
Giuseppina Riccardi Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Giuseppina Riccardi Freewinds 46 2002-06-01
Giusy Maspero Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Giusy Maspero Freewinds 46 2002-06-01
Glen Swenson Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Glenn Currier Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Gloria Finkelstein Freewinds 61 2006-01-01
Gloria Herrera Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Gloria Kamph Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Gloria Kamph Freewinds 62 2006-04-01
Gloria Schlueter Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Gloria Slaughter Freewinds 77 2009-04-01
Gloria Suarez Romero Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Goerge Keck Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Grace Ting Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Gracia Bennish Freewinds 60 2005-11-01
Gracia Bennish Roberts Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Graham Donovan Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Graham Payne Freewinds 7 1991-12-01
Grant Cardone Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Graziano Furnari Freewinds 60 2005-11-01
Graziella Da Ros Freewinds 56 2005-02-01
Graziella Sartor Freewinds 52 2004-03-01
Greg Bradley Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Greg Gloor Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Greg Kingdon Freewinds 70 2007-12-01
Greg Layton Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Greg Moore Helle Freewinds 78 2010-05-01
Greg Smith Freewinds 13 1994-07-01
Greg Smith Freewinds 46 2002-06-01
Gregory Bradley Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Greta Del Sal Freewinds 86 2011-09-01
Grethe Boisen Freewinds 84 2011-05-01
Griselda Serafini Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Gro Miller Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Gro Skov Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Gudrun Morgan Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Guido Scherer Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Guiseppe Pasin Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Gulle Jorck Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Gunilla Eriksson Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Gunilla Eriksson Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Gunilla Gerber Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Gunther Gafton Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Gunther Laws Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Gunther Leonhardt Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Gus Wollitzer Freewinds 79 2010-08-01
Guy Callahan Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Gwen Culbert Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Gwen McCoy Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Gwen Vanderbijl Freewinds 65 2006-10-01
Hain Diner Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Halina Cirillo Freewinds 60 2005-11-01
Hamida Jafferji Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Hamish Bulger Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Hamish Bulger Freewinds 87 2012-01-01
Han-Lien Lin Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
Hanna Sheffi-Shadowsky Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Hanne Fries Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Hanne Ginge-Nielsen Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Hanneliese Loeffler Freewinds 84 2011-05-01
Hanny Barram Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Hanny Barram Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Hans Beekmans Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Hans Bruegemann Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Hans Brugemann Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Hans Juel Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Hans Lanik Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Hans Peter Klotzli Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Hans Pfeffer Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Hans Ruscheweyh Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Hans-Peter Fischer Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Hans-Peter Fischer Freewinds 48 2002-12-01
Hans-Ruedi Ackle Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Harald Loefller Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Harold Bezazian Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Harold Bezazian Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Harrie van der Heijden Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Harries Weber Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Harriet Weber Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Harriette Hughes Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Harry Lucas Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Harry MacDonald Freewinds 58 2005-05-01
Harry Rostig Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Harry Taplin Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Harry Taplin Freewinds 57 2005-04-01
Harry Wong Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Harvey Gauthier Freewinds 62 2006-04-01
Harvey Schmiedeke Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Hazel Osborne Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Hazel Osborne Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Heather Kertchem Freewinds 11 1993-07-01
Heather Kertchem Freewinds 67 2007-03-01
Heather Stokes Freewinds 81 2010-12-01
Hedi Lipscher Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Hedi Matt Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Hedi Matt Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Hedii Lipscher Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Heidi Altorfer Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Heidi Klinger Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Heidi Raschidi Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Heidi Raschidi Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Heidi Wolfaardt Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
Heike Pelkmann Freewinds 62 2006-04-01
Heimo Bucerius Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Heinz Kroczek Freewinds 16 1995-06-01
Heinz Kroczek Freewinds 19 1996-04-01
Heinz Wrege Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Helen Fritsch Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Helen Fritsch-Covary Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Helen Kitchin Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Helen Meuley-Ract Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Helen Wisner Freewinds 53 2004-06-01
Helena Gaskin Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Helena Larocco Freewinds 82 2011-01-01
Helene Dugmore Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Helga Kauf Freewinds 77 2009-04-01
Helga Wagner Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Helga Zaun Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Helgard Hahn Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Helgard Hahn Freewinds 86 2011-09-01
Hellen Chen Freewinds 20 1996-10-01
Henning Heldt Freewinds 84 2011-05-01
Henning Jorck Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Henny Deridder Freewinds 57 2005-04-01
Henri De Bruyn Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Henriett Fazekasne Freewinds 77 2009-04-01
Henry Blumenthal Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Henry Jaggers Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Henry Robinett Freewinds 86 2011-09-01
Herb Sutphin Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Herbert Stahl Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Herman Newkirk Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Herman Vernimmen Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Hermann Keppler Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Hermann Schnabl Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Hermann Schubotz Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Herwig Kroll Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Hilde Vernimmen Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Hildegard Jessup Freewinds 61 2006-01-01
Hilu Hansen Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Holger Hackenjos Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Holleigh Taufer Freewinds 79 2010-08-01
Horst Dubiel Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Howard Becker Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Howard Ryan Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Howard Shube Freewinds 53 2004-06-01
Hubert Wurfel Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Hugh Elliot Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Hugo Canton Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Ian Rinder Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Ibonne Demogines Freewinds 79 2010-08-01
Ida Calver Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Ida Calver Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Ignacio Garcia Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Ignacio Gracia Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Ike Kezsbom Freewinds 16 1995-06-01
Ike Kezsbom Freewinds 19 1996-04-01
Ilda Garza Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Ildiko Tombolini Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Ines Park Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Inge Schuhbock Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Ingeborg Schnitzler Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Inger Serup Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Ingrid Collewijn Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Ingrid Gibson Freewinds 14 1994-11-01
Ingrid Gibson Freewinds 15 1995-03-01
Ingrid Keller Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Ingrid Keller Freewinds 61 2006-01-01
Ira Finklestein Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Iraida Torres Freewinds 77 2009-04-01
Irena Balin Freewinds 86 2011-09-01
Irene Burgener Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Irene Dirmann Freewinds 18 1995-12-01
Irene Dirmann Freewinds 48 2002-12-01
Iria Lavacarra Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Irina Belyaeva Freewinds 79 2010-08-01
Irit Pillo Freewinds 45 2002-03-01
Irma Berera Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Irma Giger Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Irv Trudell Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Isa Totah Freewinds 80 2010-12-01
Isadore Chait Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Isella Piccone Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Itria Leone Freewinds 84 2011-05-01
Ivan Makovic Freewinds 82 2011-01-01
Ivy Kimmich Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
J. Brent McDaniel Freewinds 13 1994-07-01
J. Michael Armentrout Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jaakko Raita Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jacinto Castellano Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jack Dirmann Freewinds 18 1995-12-01
Jack Mortimer Freewinds 52 2004-03-01
Jack Potter Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jack Potter Freewinds 79 2010-08-01
Jack Sushko Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Jackie Molnar Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jacob Lenz Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jacqueline Mingard Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Jacquellyn Meyers Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Jairo Guzman Freewinds 81 2010-12-01
James Chamberlin Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
James Christensen Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
James Eckhart Freewinds 70 2007-12-01
James Fiducia Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
James Hort Freewinds 14 1994-11-01
James Hort Freewinds 15 1995-03-01
James Kalergis Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
James Krebsbach Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
James Madia Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
James Mangiamele Freewinds 7 1991-12-01
James Mayer Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
James Newell Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
James Parker Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
James Parker Freewinds 65 2006-10-01
James Wilkinson Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jan Knapmeyer Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Jan Regan Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jan Regan Freewinds 46 2002-06-01
Jan Silber Freewinds 46 2002-06-01
Jane Allen Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jane Bosan Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jane Dockery Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Jane Grondin Freewinds 53 2004-06-01
Jane Grondin Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Jane Hutchins Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jane Luscombe Freewinds 62 2006-04-01
Jane van Pelt Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Janet Bowes Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Janet Hedge Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Janet Hollander Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Janet Klein Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Janet Larson Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Janet Lawrence Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Janet Petersen Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Janet Wilkins Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Janice Cooper Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Janice Johnson Freewinds 78 2010-05-01
Janice Myerberg Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Janice Racheff Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Janice Wheeler Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Janie Wallace Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Janie Wallace Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Janie Wallace Freewinds 45 2002-03-01
Janie Wallace Freewinds 45 2002-03-01
Janie Wallace Freewinds 46 2002-06-01
Janine Privat Freewinds 52 2004-03-01
Janine Wenger Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jaqueline Delafraye Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Javier Benet Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Javier Gutierrez Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Javier Munoz Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jay Blaut Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jay Blaut Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Jay Clitheroe Freewinds 82 2011-01-01
Jay Johnson Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jaye Curry Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jaye Curry Freewinds 70 2007-12-01
Jaye Curry Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Jayne Greenwalt Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Jayne Kraman Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jayne Kraman Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Jayson Bromboz Freewinds 60 2005-11-01
Jean Brasel Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Jean Brasel Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Jean Dupuis Freewinds 84 2011-05-01
Jean Dwyer Freewinds 78 2010-05-01
Jean Essig Freewinds 81 2010-12-01
Jean Galea Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Jean Gonzalves Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Jean Helpert Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jean Hornnes Freewinds 14 1994-11-01
Jean Hornnes Freewinds 15 1995-03-01
Jean Lin Freewinds 86 2011-09-01
Jean Rosko Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jean Spinner Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Jean Trainor Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Jean Vavrus Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jean-Claude Douthe Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
Jeanie Charles Freewinds 13 1994-07-01
Jeanie Lan Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Jeanine Pasche Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Jeanne Decuypere Freewinds 14 1994-11-01
Jeanne Decuypere Freewinds 15 1995-03-01
Jeanne Keenan Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jeannie Deva Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Jeannie Scoglio Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jeannie Trahant Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Jeff Johnson Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Jeff Lee Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Jeff Magee Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Jeff Magee Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Jeff Magee Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Jeff O'Mealy Freewinds 14 1994-11-01
Jeff O'Mealy Freewinds 15 1995-03-01
Jeff O'Mealy Freewinds 56 2005-02-01
Jeff Pomerantz Freewinds 82 2011-01-01
Jeff Putney Freewinds 84 2011-05-01
Jeff Walker Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jeffrey Avrin Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jeffrey Hahn Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Jennifer Charm-Jacobson Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Jennifer Geer Freewinds 63 2006-06-01
Jennifer Goldman Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
Jennifer Jensen Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Jennifer Jensen Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Jennifer Sgroi-Stanzani Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Jenny Good Widmaier Freewinds 80 2010-12-01
Jenny Scarfe-Beckett Freewinds 56 2005-02-01
Jenny Wakley Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Jens Frederiksen Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Jens Kjeldsen Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jerilyn Hamra Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Jerry Dyas Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Jerry Ehrlich Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jerry Racheff Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Jessica Byrnes Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jessica Byrnes Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Jessica Marks Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jessie Snow Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jesus Garcia Freewinds 7 1991-12-01
Jill Chen Freewinds 82 2011-01-01
Jill de Hochepied Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jill Hagan Freewinds 53 2004-06-01
Jill Methven Freewinds 53 2004-06-01
Jill O'Connell Freewinds 81 2010-12-01
Jill Wise Freewinds 70 2007-12-01
Jim Burghorn Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jim Bush Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Jim Condon Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Jim Fitzgerald Freewinds 86 2011-09-01
Jim Frankel Freewinds 84 2011-05-01
Jim Jackson Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Jim Johnson Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Jim Mathers Freewinds 79 2010-08-01
Jim McCoy Freewinds 78 2010-05-01
Jim Meskimen Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Jim Neal Freewinds 57 2005-04-01
Jim Norman Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Jim Owen Freewinds 87 2012-01-01
Jim Rego Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Jim Spina Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Jim Wallace Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Jim Zwers Freewinds 82 2011-01-01
Jimmy Holmlund Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Jo Ann Gamette Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Jo Anne Beachy Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Jo Anne Christensen Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Jo Cannon Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Joachim Weber Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Joan Lonstein Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Joan Lonstein Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Joan Mort Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Joan Roswell Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Joan Ryan Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Joan Ryan Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Joan Saks Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Joan Saks Freewinds 61 2006-01-01
Joan Sigal Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Joan Sigal Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
JoAnn Madigan Freewinds 84 2011-05-01
Joanne Beaubien Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
JoAnne Christensen Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Joanne Nastasi Freewinds 68 2007-06-01
Jocelyne Dupuis Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Jochen Knewitz Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jodie Bohte Freewinds 87 2012-01-01
Joe Feshbach Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Joe Holtz Freewinds 62 2006-04-01
Joe Lavin Freewinds 61 2006-01-01
Joe Pinelli Freewinds 65 2006-10-01
Joe Spencer Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Joelle Marvelay Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Joerg Moeller Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Johannes Praun Freewinds 82 2011-01-01
John Allender Freewinds 65 2006-10-01
John Bruce Freewinds 78 2010-05-01
John Chadder Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
John Chadder Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
John Chambers Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
John Cowden Freewinds 62 2006-04-01
John DeKiewit Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
John Fudge Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
John Glass Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
John Greene Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
John Hansen Freewinds 70 2007-12-01
John Hillman Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
John Kertchem Freewinds 14 1994-11-01
John Kertchem Freewinds 15 1995-03-01
John Kertchem Freewinds 63 2006-06-01
John Lichtensteiger Freewinds 86 2011-09-01
John Novello Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
John O'Neal Freewinds 57 2005-04-01
John Quigley Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
John Rich Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
John Smith Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
John Stout Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
John Sullivan Freewinds 65 2006-10-01
John Woodruff Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Joie Day Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Jolie Daniel Freewinds 61 2006-01-01
Jon Coale Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Jon Fyffe Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Jon Sears Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jon Soeder Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Jonathan Gerson Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jonathan Gerson Freewinds 58 2005-05-01
Joni Marchese Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Joni Marchese Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Joni Superville Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Jorge Castaneira Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jorj Baker Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Jose Galicia Jr. Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jose Guedes Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Jose Luis Galicia Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jose Serrano Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Jose Villareal Acosta Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Josef Kunz Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Josef Kunz Freewinds 57 2005-04-01
Joseph Andruscavage Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Joseph Duncanson Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Joseph Feshbach Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Joseph Lavin Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Joseph McCusker Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Joseph Stover Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Joseph Taffe Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Joy Ollemans Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Joyce Anderson Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Joyce Gaines Freewinds 86 2011-09-01
Juan Galindo Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Juan Manuel Cardona Trevino Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Juan Villareal Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Jude Barnes Freewinds 60 2005-11-01
Judith Code Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Judith Irons Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Judith Reed Freewinds 86 2011-09-01
Judith Schwyter Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Judith Weigand Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Judith Willardson Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Judy Bruning Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Judy Code Freewinds 79 2010-08-01
Judy Freedman Freewinds 7 1991-12-01
Judy Irons Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Judy Magee Freewinds 56 2005-02-01
Judy Marcus Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Judy Norton Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Judy Preger Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Judy Scheuer Freewinds 83 2011-03-01
Judy Swanson Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Judy Taussig Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Judy Vedder Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Judy White Freewinds 57 2005-04-01
Judy Willardson Freewinds 65 2006-10-01
Judy Wood Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Juli Wood Freewinds 86 2011-09-01
Juliane Kostinger Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Julie Champness Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Julie Champness Freewinds 52 2004-03-01
Julie Lee Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
June Hutchins Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Jurai Lipscher Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Juraj Lipscher Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Jurg Staubli Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Jurgen Suplit Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Justa de Villiers Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Justin Ford Freewinds 66 2006-12-01
Jytte Jorck Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Karen Aylor Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Karen Brackett Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Karen Brown Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Karen Howard Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Karen Howard Freewinds 45 2002-03-01
Karen Judkin Freewinds 7 1991-12-01
Karen Judkin Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Karen Kalman Freewinds 68 2007-06-01
Karen Mangiamele Freewinds 62 2006-04-01
Karen Megan Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Karen Morrissett Freewinds 70 2007-12-01
Karen Renna Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Karen Russell Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Karen Scott Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Karen Simons Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Karen Simons Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Karen Singhrs Freewinds 63 2006-06-01
Karilynn Youngman Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Karin Beaty Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Karin Beaty Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Karin Chapman Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Karin Lange Freewinds 62 2006-04-01
Karin Strand-Holm Freewinds 77 2009-04-01
Karin Tubbesing Freewinds 63 2006-06-01
Karl Kroeger Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Karl Kroeger Freewinds 57 2005-04-01
Karl Morz Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Karla Jo Helms Freewinds 82 2011-01-01
Kaspar Zwicky Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Kate Foundas Freewinds 80 2010-12-01
Kate Mays Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Kate Smith Freewinds 57 2005-04-01
Katharina Piotrowski Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Kathi Gfeller Freewinds 7 1991-12-01
Kathie Gregory Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Kathie Heard Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Kathleen Roche Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Kathleen Savas Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Kathrin Rabus Freewinds 82 2011-01-01
KATHRYN MARSH Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Kathy Braceland Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Kathy Conable Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Kathy Dion Freewinds 77 2009-04-01
Kathy Feshbach Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Kathy Feshbach Freewinds 52 2004-03-01
Kathy Marier Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Kathy Morrill Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Kathy Pace Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Kathy Savas Freewinds 61 2006-01-01
Kathy Shepard Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Kathy Snow Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Kathy Wach Freewinds 87 2012-01-01
Kathy Welch Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Katie Heller Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Kay Daly Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Kay Roland Freewinds 53 2004-06-01
Kaye Champagne Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Keiko Macaire Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Keith Code Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Keith Code Freewinds 68 2007-06-01
Keith Miller Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Kelli Widmaier Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Ken Dorsett Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Ken Dorsett Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Ken Rabey Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Ken Roush Freewinds 77 2009-04-01
Ken Whitman Freewinds 52 2004-03-01
Kendal Larson Freewinds 83 2011-03-01
Kenna Smith Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Kenneth Cigainero Freewinds 78 2010-05-01
Kenneth Gerbino Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Kenneth Salazar Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Kerry Fuller Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Kevin Adney Freewinds 80 2010-12-01
Kevin Burke Freewinds 70 2007-12-01
Kevin Dahill Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Kevin Good Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Kevin Rush Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Kevin Wilson Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Kifumi Keppler Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Kifumi Keppler Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Kim Cullen Freewinds 84 2011-05-01
Kim Whitworth Freewinds 84 2011-05-01
Kitty Kerr Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Kitty Niehues Freewinds 67 2007-03-01
Klaudia Bulawa Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Klaus Kempe Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Klaus Koller Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Klaus Strand-Holm Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Koko Tabibzadeh Freewinds 45 2002-03-01
Koko Tabibzadeh Freewinds 45 2002-03-01
Kristen Fowler Freewinds 82 2011-01-01
Kristin Tomczak Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Krystyna Louw Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Kurt Stahl Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Kurt Wicki Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Kurt Wicki Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Kylie Pearce Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Kyra Jorgensen Freewinds 77 2009-04-01
Lambros Malamas Freewinds 78 2010-05-01
Lanna Borom Freewinds 63 2006-06-01
Larry Buhman Freewinds 66 2006-12-01
Larry Gluck Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Larry Gluck Freewinds 53 2004-06-01
Larry Polak Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Larry Putterman Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Larry Silver Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Larry Silver Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Lars Najbjerg Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Laura Case Freewinds 56 2005-02-01
Laura Cross Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Laura D'Amato Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Laura Lewis Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Laura Piazza Possebon Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Laura Poulin Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Laura Ward Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Laura Wilson Freewinds 60 2005-11-01
Laura Wolfe Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Laurence Dambrin Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Laurence Zani Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Laurie DiPaolo Freewinds 86 2011-09-01
Laurie Dohring Freewinds 61 2006-01-01
Laurie Jessup Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Lawrence Byrnes Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Lawrence Hanson Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Lee Cambigue Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Lee Cambigue Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Lei Lani Cauthen Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
Leila Joffe Vander Heijdon Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Len Collen Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Lena Akesson Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Lena Leacox Freewinds 61 2006-01-01
Lena Susman Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Lena Susman Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Lenny Macaluso Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Leona Logan Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Leonardo Goldoni Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Leonie Price Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Leonore Zimmermann Freewinds 63 2006-06-01
Lesley Zimmatore Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Leslie Brock Freewinds 79 2010-08-01
Leslie Davis Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Leslie Eaton Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Letizia Pizzi Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Lewis Steinman Freewinds 80 2010-12-01
Liane Gottwald Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Libby Regan Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Libby Weigand Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Lidia Cox Freewinds 87 2012-01-01
Lil Linson Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Lilis Bronsoiler Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Lilis Bronsoiler Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Lilliane Eckharter Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Lina Micheletti Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Lina Micheletti Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Linda Aldrete Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Linda Batdorf Freewinds 70 2007-12-01
Linda Drazkowski Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
Linda Ferguson Freewinds 67 2007-03-01
Linda Fisher Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Linda Hodges-Leach Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Linda Nahmias Freewinds 78 2010-05-01
Linda Neilson Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Linda Neilson Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Linda Smith Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Linda Triscik Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Lindy Duncanson Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Lisa Bernard Freewinds 57 2005-04-01
Lisa Bragato Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Lisa Bragato Freewinds 65 2006-10-01
Lisa Chatelain Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Lisa Gallagher Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Lisa Gault Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Lisa Johonnesson Freewinds 60 2005-11-01
Lisa Johonnsesson Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Lisa London Freewinds 81 2010-12-01
Lisa Malm Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Lisa Malm Freewinds 82 2011-01-01
Lisa Malmquist Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
LISA TERRENZI MIAZWER Freewinds 65 2006-10-01
Lisa Witt Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Lisbeth Ambuhl Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Lisbeth Najbjerg Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Lisetta Calzolari Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Livia Morone Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Liz Adams Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Liz Baybak Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Liz King Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Liz Mezentsef Freewinds 77 2009-04-01
Lloyd McPhee Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Loic Cornet Freewinds 86 2011-09-01
Lois Gloor Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Lois Hart Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Loma Crichton Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Lonnie Davis Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Loren Dirks Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Lorena Nacif Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Loretta Miscavige Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Loris Zoppolletto Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Lorna Farca Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Lorna Farca Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Lorraine Baritz Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Lorraine Bulger Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Lorraine Bulger Freewinds 60 2005-11-01
Lorraine Parker Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Lothar Erdtmann Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Lottie Adler Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Louis Peens Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Louis-Michel Brolles Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Louise Erison Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Louise Gilbert Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Louise Smith Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Luca Baratti Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Luca Orlandi Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Lucia Bragg Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Luciana Bonomo Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Luciano Cavagna Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
Luciano Citti Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Luciano Vaccani Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Lucie Jungi-Saner Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Lucinda Feshbach Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Lucio La Chimia Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Lucy Cole Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Lucy Cole Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Lucy Dabbah Freewinds 45 2002-03-01
Luigi Begnigna Freewinds 70 2007-12-01
Luigi Bertoni Freewinds 7 1991-12-01
Luigi Bertoni Freewinds 87 2012-01-01
Luigi Cosivi Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Luigi Dellafiore Freewinds 82 2011-01-01
Luis Alfonso Garcia Freewinds 70 2007-12-01
Luisa Bellagamba Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Luisa Bertoli Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Luisa Gissi Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Luisa Gissi Freewinds 52 2004-03-01
Luisa Locatelli Freewinds 87 2012-01-01
Luisa Orlandini Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Luisa Orlandini Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Luisella Pugliatti Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Luisella Pugliatti Freewinds 60 2005-11-01
Lupina Lara Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Luzia Voeller Freewinds 53 2004-06-01
Lyle Roland Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Lynda Allender Freewinds 70 2007-12-01
Lynn Burkhart Freewinds 53 2004-06-01
Lynn Ferry Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Lynn Irons Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Lynn Peters Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Lynn Peters Freewinds 43 2001-07-01
Lynn Roberts Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Lynn Tardibuono Freewinds 81 2010-12-01
Lynne Goldstein Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Lynne Wilkinson Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Madeleine LaFontan Freewinds 61 2006-01-01
Madeline Lowe Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Madeline Lowe Freewinds 44 2001-10-01
Maelien Spina Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Magaly Gonzalez Freewinds 46 2002-06-01
Magda Morra Freewinds 12 1993-12-01
Magda Morra Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Maggie Condon Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Maggie Fuller Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Maggie Reinhart Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Maggie Spohn Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Maguite Wilkens Freewinds 63 2006-06-01
Maike B-Stahl Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Maina Danion Freewinds 61 2006-01-01
Maina Kuhn Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Malcolm Croft Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Malcolm Croft Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Malcolm Gellatly Freewinds 52 2004-03-01
Malcom Gellatly Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Manfred Keym Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Manuel Vianna Freewinds 57 2005-04-01
Manuela Baccari Freewinds 81 2010-12-01
Marc Bromberg Freewinds 86 2011-09-01
Marc Marty Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Marc Silber Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Marc Silber Freewinds 45 2002-03-01
Marc Walter Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Marcel Wenger Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Marci Berger Freewinds 60 2005-11-01
Marco Belli Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Marco Chiancianesi Freewinds 56 2005-02-01
Marco Manzoli Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Marco Natale Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Marco Natale Freewinds 80 2010-12-01
Marco Sarrocco Freewinds 56 2005-02-01
Marco Viscardi Freewinds 70 2007-12-01
Marcos Dana Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Marcos Dana Freewinds 45 2002-03-01
Marcy Brown Freewinds 82 2011-01-01
Margaret (Maggy) Brown Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Margaret Condon Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Margaret Dolan Freewinds 62 2006-04-01
Margaret Eckold Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Margaret Hodkin Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Margaret Regan Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Margene Zimmer Freewinds 60 2005-11-01
Marguerite Robin Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Marguerite Wirick Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Maria Adinolfi Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Maria Bogdanou Freewinds 70 2007-12-01
Maria Elana Nunez Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Maria Elmiger Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Maria Franceschinelli Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Maria Franceschinelli Freewinds 52 2004-03-01
Maria Giovanna Ponchetti Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Maria Grazia Rocco Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Maria Hurtado Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Maria Lodovici Freewinds 16 1995-06-01
Maria Lodovici Freewinds 19 1996-04-01
Maria Matienzo Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
Maria Merlo Freewinds 78 2010-05-01
Maria Pia Gardini Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Maria Robb Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Maria Vega Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Maria Vega Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Maria Weber Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Maria Zisoglou Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Marialisa Lorenzi Freewinds 63 2006-06-01
Marian Martin Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Marian Reguera Ardanza Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Marianna Altorfer Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Marianne Kessler Freewinds 53 2004-06-01
Marianne Kessler-Rossini Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Marianne Mueller Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Marianne Rossini Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Mariano Apperti Freewinds 83 2011-03-01
Marie Gale Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Marie Jo Levadoux Wilkens Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
Marie Madeleine Flandre Freewinds 87 2012-01-01
Marie Murillo Freewinds 68 2007-06-01
Marie Pula Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Marie Suter Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Marie Therese Meili Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Marie Wanner Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Marie Williams Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Marietheres Meili Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Marietta Kempe Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Marijke Qureshi Freewinds 68 2007-06-01
Marijke Vos Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Marilena Baggio Freewinds 82 2011-01-01
Marilena Galli Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Marina Moiana Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Marina Simon Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Marino Bertoli Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Mario Des Rochers Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Mario Pedrali Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Marion Koth Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Marion Koth Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Marion Shuster Freewinds 68 2007-06-01
Marisa Damiani Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Marisa Fumagalli Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Marit Eisenmann Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Marit Hadjian Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Marjorie Zacks Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Mark Barbee Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Mark Greisen Freewinds 61 2006-01-01
Mark Hanses Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Mark Haydon Freewinds 46 2002-06-01
Mark Kloss Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Mark Kloss Freewinds 58 2005-05-01
Mark McQuade Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Mark Patron Freewinds 79 2010-08-01
Mark Spina Freewinds 63 2006-06-01
Markus Marx Freewinds 87 2012-01-01
Markus Vogel Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Marsha Fox Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Marta Long Freewinds 87 2012-01-01
Martha Conway Freewinds 78 2010-05-01
Marti Carlson Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Martin Greenberg Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Martin Schonenberger Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Martine Benneck Freewinds 68 2007-06-01
Martine Sitbon Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Marty Prince Freewinds 13 1994-07-01
Mary Adams Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Mary Alice DeWitt Freewinds 52 2004-03-01
Mary Ann Chait Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Mary Ann Durham Freewinds 77 2009-04-01
MARY BENEPE Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Mary Chadder Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Mary Dolan Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Mary Duda Freewinds 62 2006-04-01
Mary Elizabeth Glosup Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Mary Finley Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Mary Heldt Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Mary Hobbs Freewinds 70 2007-12-01
Mary Huss Freewinds 43 2001-07-01
Mary Jane Luniewski Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Mary Jo Leavitt Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Mary Jo Sterzenback Freewinds 87 2012-01-01
Mary Kahn Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Mary Kaufmann Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Mary Lynne Wolfe Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Mary MacLean Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Mary Mason Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Mary McDonald Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Mary Newman Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Mary Noel Freewinds 79 2010-08-01
Mary Quinn Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Mary Smith Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Mary Sommer Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Mary Wolfe Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Maryann Ching Freewinds 80 2010-12-01
Maryann O'Donnell Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Marzia Nava Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Marzia Pezzali Freewinds 17 1995-09-01
Marzia Pezzali Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Massimiliano Bonoldi Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Massimiliano Bonoldi Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Massimiliano Speri Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Massimo Cavadenti Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Massimo Salardi Freewinds 62 2006-04-01
Matt Feshbach Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Matt Radmanesh Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Matthew Feshbach Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Matthew Sidford Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Maureen Tolan Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Mauri Karger Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Maurizio Botti Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Maurizio Polverini Freewinds 45 2002-03-01
Maurizio Priante Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Mauro Gianfranco Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Mavi Santinato Freewinds 13 1994-07-01
Mavis Imra Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Max Harvey Freewinds 63 2006-06-01
Megan Fleischl Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Megan Shields Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Meggie Wojan Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Mela Marshall Freewinds 82 2011-01-01
Melanie Wertin Freewinds 68 2007-06-01
Melinda Leonhardt Freewinds 81 2010-12-01
Melissa O'Hara Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Mercedes Garcia Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Mercedes Gomez Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Meri Dolan Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Meryl Nilsson Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Mia Perssons Freewinds 43 2001-07-01
Michael Baram Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Michael Clark Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Michael Drazkowski Freewinds 68 2007-06-01
Michael Duff Freewinds 62 2006-04-01
Michael Grope Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Michael Henderson Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Michael Holstein Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Michael Ingbar Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Michael Juneau Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Michael Kananack Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Michael Karger Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Michael King Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Michael Klinger Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Michael Klinger Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Michael Kowitz Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Michael Lee Freewinds 13 1994-07-01
Michael Lewis Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Michael McCoy Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Michael Miwa Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Michael Norris Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Michael Pattinson Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Michael Phillips Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Michael Phillips Freewinds 65 2006-10-01
Michael Scott Freewinds 87 2012-01-01
Michael Shadowsky Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Michael Shaw Freewinds 81 2010-12-01
Michael Suggs Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Michael Wisner Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Michael Zimmatore Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Michael Zimmer Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Michal Spencer-Smith Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Michel Reveillere Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Michele Abbate Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Michele Takacs Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Micky Barram Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Miguel Angee Ruiz Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Mike Carlson Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Mike Chatelain Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Mike Chiu Hoi Chan Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
Mike Driessen Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Mike Juneau Freewinds 53 2004-06-01
Mike Juneau Freewinds 53 2004-06-01
Mike Mcgahee Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Mike Miwa Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Mike Osborne Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Mike Osborne Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Mike Pomerantz Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Mike Smith Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Mike Smith Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Mike Staples Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Mike Wilson Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Mildred Moscona Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Mildred Moscona Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Milko Thies Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Milko Thies Freewinds 46 2002-06-01
Min-Jung Park Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Minoru Motokawa Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Mirco Ceccetto Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Mireille Ksentine Freewinds 52 2004-03-01
Miriam Crippa Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Mischa Rice Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Mitch Talevi Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Mitch Talevi Freewinds 60 2005-11-01
Mitchell Drobbin Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Mitzi Bergman Freewinds 12 1993-12-01
Modesto Rodrigues Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Mogens Troelsen Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Mohsen Zargar Freewinds 43 2001-07-01
Moira Blumenthal Freewinds 14 1994-11-01
Moira Blumenthal Freewinds 15 1995-03-01
Moira Dolan Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Molly Barton Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Molly Baxter Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Molly Jelley Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Molly Jelly Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Molly Missonis Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Monica Lugli Freewinds 65 2006-10-01
Monika Bernath Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Monika Burkli Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Monika Christen Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Monika Helpert Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Monika Ruegg Freewinds 14 1994-11-01
Monika Ruegg Freewinds 15 1995-03-01
Monika Ruegg Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Monika Schieweck Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
Monika Wieneke Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Monroe Kleiderman Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Moshon Reuveni Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Muriel Cheshire Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Murielle Leschot Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Mutsuya Ii Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Myles Binford Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Myrna Safra Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Myrna Safra Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Myron Rapp Freewinds 14 1994-11-01
Myron Rapp Freewinds 15 1995-03-01
Myron Robinson Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Nadege Guisti Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Nadina Garza Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Nancy Cameron Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Nancy Cameron Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Nancy Daley Freewinds 84 2011-05-01
Nancy Davis Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Nancy Frisch Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Nancy Hanson Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Nancy Miller Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Nancy Parodi Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Nancy Parodi Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Nancy Reitze Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Nancy Sadwick Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Nancy Sadwick Freewinds 48 2002-12-01
Nancy Weilgart Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Nancy Weilgart Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Naomi Davis Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Naomi Kleyn Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Narayanee Rawner Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Natalie Mage Freewinds 58 2005-05-01
Neal Sobol Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Neal Springer Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Neil Briggs Freewinds 83 2011-03-01
Neil Fraser Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Neil Fraser Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Neil Kunen Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Neil Woods Freewinds 66 2006-12-01
Nelli Zemniece Freewinds 87 2012-01-01
Nena Erdtmann Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Nena Erdtmann Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Nerida James Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Nicholas Lekas Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Nick Lekas Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Nicla Spica Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Nicla Spica Freewinds 52 2004-03-01
Nicolas Kent Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Nicole Keppler Freewinds 67 2007-03-01
Nicoletta Delfino Freewinds 87 2012-01-01
Niels Kjeldsen Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Niels Kjeldsen Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Nirvana Cooke Freewinds 86 2011-09-01
Noel Carroll Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Noelle North Norris Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Noemi Cortinovis Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Nola Aronson Freewinds 87 2012-01-01
Nola Vains Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Nolwenn Cannone Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Norbert Francois Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Norm Novitsky Freewinds 20 1996-10-01
Norm Novitsky Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Normal Kramer Freewinds 63 2006-06-01
Norman Lewis Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Norman Moe Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Nornie Rabey Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Nowell Didear Freewinds 67 2007-03-01
Odile Galea Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Ofra Bahat Freewinds 16 1995-06-01
Ofra Bahat Freewinds 19 1996-04-01
Ofra Bahat Freewinds 56 2005-02-01
Ole Lindell Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Omar Jazzar Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Omar Jazzar Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Ophelie Gandois Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Oreste Zinaghi Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Ornella Vaccani Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Otto Kauf Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Otto Meyer Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Pablo Rohrig Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Pam Fyffe Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Pam Fyffe Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Pam Kresse Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Pam McKinnis Freewinds 80 2010-12-01
Pam Moniz Freewinds 78 2010-05-01
Pam Wrightsman Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Pamela Angus Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Pamela Barton Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Pamela Blehert Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Pamela Blehert Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Pamela Chipman Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Pamela Chipman Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Pandy Katakuzinos Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Paola Lombardi Freewinds 81 2010-12-01
Paola Lombardi Freewinds 82 2011-01-01
Paolo Meini Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Paolo Melis Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Paolo Strinati Freewinds 80 2010-12-01
Paolo Tucci Freewinds 66 2006-12-01
Par Chadwell Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Pascal de Benoit Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Pat Clouden Freewinds 80 2010-12-01
Pat Fraker Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Pat Hoertling Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Pat Huff Freewinds 87 2012-01-01
Pat Maroshek Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Pat Parodi Freewinds 52 2004-03-01
Pat Shannon Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Pat Yau Freewinds 84 2011-05-01
Patrice Wellhoff Freewinds 83 2011-03-01
Patrice Willemin Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Patricia Boyers Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Patricia Curtis Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Patricia Curtis Freewinds 53 2004-06-01
Patricia Garner Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Patricia Hales Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Patricia Mooney Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Patricia Piccone Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Patricia Riemer Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Patricia Ripeta Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Patricia Rogers-Brugger Freewinds 53 2004-06-01
Patricia Schlaich Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Patricia Tjepkes Freewinds 86 2011-09-01
Patricia van Kooten Freewinds 77 2009-04-01
Patrick Horny Freewinds 87 2012-01-01
Patrick Lue Fan Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Patrick Luefan Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Patrick Murray Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Patrick Robinson Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Patrizia Brambilla Freewinds 60 2005-11-01
Patrizia Brunelli Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Patti Brown Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Patty Riemer Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Paul C. Mogensen Freewinds 10 1993-03-01
Paul Dangberg Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Paul Davis Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Paul Davis Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Paul Maisano Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Paul Missonis Jr. Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Paul Morel Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Paul Myerberg Freewinds 16 1995-06-01
Paul Myerberg Freewinds 19 1996-04-01
Paul O'Malley Freewinds 81 2010-12-01
Paul Price Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Paul Silovsky Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Paul Spencer-Smith Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Paul Spencer-Smith Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Paul Turnbull Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Paul-Unko Rieter Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Paula Hayes Freewinds 58 2005-05-01
Paula Ohl Freewinds 66 2006-12-01
Paula Paiewonsky Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Paula Snider Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Paula Walser Freewinds 77 2009-04-01
Paula Walser Portmann Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Paula Webster Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Pauline Zani Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Pauline Zani Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Pavane Fraser Freewinds 53 2004-06-01
Pavane Fraser Moriak Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Pearl Beckman Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Pearl Lantz Freewinds 52 2004-03-01
Pedro Martin-Moreno Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Pedro Martin-Moreno Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Peggy Hitchman Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Peggy Hitchman Freewinds 46 2002-06-01
Peggy Pearson Freewinds 60 2005-11-01
Peggy Seiwert Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Peggy Westerman Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Peggy Wiley Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Pemberton Wall Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Penny Espinosa Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Per Pagh Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Per Ullum Hansen Freewinds 86 2011-09-01
Percy Wong Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Peter Anstrin Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Peter Anstrin Freewinds 79 2010-08-01
Peter Brendell Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Peter Glur Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Peter Grant Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Peter Jorck Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Peter Somplatzky Freewinds 66 2006-12-01
Peter Wakley Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Peter Zimmatore Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Phil Beaubien Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Phil Colson Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Phil Embick Freewinds 86 2011-09-01
Phil Embick Freewinds 87 2012-01-01
Phil Hart Freewinds 66 2006-12-01
Phil La Claire Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
Philip Antonio Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Philip De Fontenay Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Philippe Cannone Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Philippe Feijoo Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Phillip Parke Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Phyllis Law Freewinds 63 2006-06-01
Phyllis Sales Freewinds 80 2010-12-01
Pia Mann Freewinds 87 2012-01-01
Pier Paderni Freewinds 86 2011-09-01
Piero Cucchiara Freewinds 79 2010-08-01
Pierre Mingard Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Pierre Penichon Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
Pilar Gonzalez Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Pilar Madero Freewinds 46 2002-06-01
Pina Ronconi Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Pino Brenicci Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Pino Gangi Dino Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Pino Gangi Dino Freewinds 46 2002-06-01
Pomm Hepner Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Pomm Olsen Freewinds 16 1995-06-01
Pomm Olsen Freewinds 19 1996-04-01
Rachel Lockwood Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Rafaela Khatchi Freewinds 43 2001-07-01
Raffaella Ceresoli Freewinds 20 1996-10-01
Rainer Biermann Freewinds 66 2006-12-01
Rainer Biermann Freewinds 67 2007-03-01
Ralph Criscione Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Ralph Swarens Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Ramon Barragan Freewinds 67 2007-03-01
Ramon Quintos Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Ramona Head Freewinds 87 2012-01-01
Ramses Erdtmann Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Randy Baxter Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Randy Kretchmar Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Randy Stith Freewinds 57 2005-04-01
Raquel Mena Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Raul Dingler Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Raven Campbell Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Ray Miller Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Ray Mithoff Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Ray Rosse Freewinds 83 2011-03-01
Ray Von Hollen Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Raymond Barton Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Raymond Cassano Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Rebecca Chambers Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Rebecca Cusano Freewinds 78 2010-05-01
Rebecca Neuman Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Reed Suggs Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Regina Ploner Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Remy Gigos Freewinds 21 1996-12-01
Renata Aiudi Freewinds 46 2002-06-01
Renata St. Lawrence Freewinds 65 2006-10-01
Renate Helnwein Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Renate Schneider Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Renate Webb Freewinds 16 1995-06-01
Renate Webb Freewinds 19 1996-04-01
Renate Webb Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Renato Ingenito Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Renato Smith Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Rene Donze-Kueng Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Renee Sherman Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Renee Sherman Freewinds 86 2011-09-01
Renetta Shearer Freewinds 66 2006-12-01
Renzo Longo Freewinds 7 1991-12-01
Renzo Longo Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
Reto Gfeller Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Rhoda Zeffert Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Rhonda Burgess Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Riccardo Mazza Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Riccardo Rosso Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Rich Graf Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Richard Bishop Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Richard Bromley Freewinds 60 2005-11-01
Richard Brown Freewinds 78 2010-05-01
Richard Crites Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Richard Crites Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Richard Dean Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Richard Ferry Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Richard Lore Freewinds 57 2005-04-01
Richard Melrose Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Richard Rucker Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Richard Trela Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Richie Ettricks Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Richie Ettricks Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Rick Hull Freewinds 82 2011-01-01
Rick Manning Freewinds 86 2011-09-01
Rick Melrose Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Rick Robjent Freewinds 67 2007-03-01
Rick Rogers Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Rita Bright Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Rita Fuerer Freewinds 80 2010-12-01
Rita Stockhausen Fischer Freewinds 46 2002-06-01
Rita Stockhausen-Fischer Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Rita Zarahn Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Rito Scolaro Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Rob Bosan Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Rob Crosley Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Robbie Robinson Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Robert Aster Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Robert Bein Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Robert Collewijn Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Robert Conn Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Robert Dahlquist Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Robert Dobson-Smith Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Robert Fine Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Robert Hedinger Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Robert Hernandez Freewinds 58 2005-05-01
Robert Jeans Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Robert Jenkins Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Robert Kaye Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Robert Lawson Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Robert McFarlane Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Robert Neilson Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Robert Norman Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Robert Price Freewinds 17 1995-09-01
Robert Price Freewinds 18 1995-12-01
Robert Schwartz Freewinds 57 2005-04-01
Robert Sudalnik Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Robert Voight Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Robert Wirth Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Roberto Alaimo Freewinds 79 2010-08-01
Roberto Baroni Freewinds 10 1993-03-01
Roberto Baroni Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Roberto D'Annibale Freewinds 65 2006-10-01
Roberto Mazzoni Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Roberto Panigalli Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Roberto Patola Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Roberto Tarabini Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Robin Drimmer Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Robin Filios Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Robin Sellmier Freewinds 83 2011-03-01
Robin Shereshevski Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Robyn Skutta Freewinds 46 2002-06-01
Rochell Goodrich Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Rochelle Eriksen Freewinds 56 2005-02-01
Rode Sorenson Freewinds 78 2010-05-01
Roger Fisher Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Roger Mueller Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Rohn Walker Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Rohn Walker Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Roland Ambuhl Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Roland Ambuhl Freewinds 65 2006-10-01
Roland Andersson Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Roland Ekstrom Freewinds 44 2001-10-01
Roland Kuhn Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Roland Priester Freewinds 79 2010-08-01
Roland Stahl Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Roland Stahl Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Rolf Gutermann Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Romano Romanini Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Ron Anderson Freewinds 70 2007-12-01
Ron Fiandaca Freewinds 13 1994-07-01
Ron Moss Freewinds 7 1991-12-01
Ron Nedd Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Ron Suiter Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Rona Bowles Freewinds 66 2006-12-01
Ronald Lewis Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Ronald Luniewski Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Ronald Watson Freewinds 13 1994-07-01
Ronit Soracco Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Ronni Drimmer Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Ronnie den Braber Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Rosa Prieto Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Rosalind White Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Rosalyn Paul Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Rosalyn Paul Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Rosalyn Spagnola Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
Rosalynn Carlton Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Rosaria Ferrario Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Rosaria Paese Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Rose Garvin Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Rose Goss Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Rose Goss Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Rosella Rossi Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Rosemarie Freihoff Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Rosemarie Mrkos-Aschwanden Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Rosemary Didear Freewinds 10 1993-03-01
Rosie Freihoff Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Rosie Kugler Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
Rosmarie Kiontke Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Rosmarie Widmer Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Ross Munro Freewinds 70 2007-12-01
Rosser Cole Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Rouvierre Humphries Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Royce Quimby Freewinds 66 2006-12-01
Rudi Mohl Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Rue Ann Furbish Freewinds 77 2009-04-01
Ruedi Jungi Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Russ McKevitt Freewinds 62 2006-04-01
Russell Bernstein Freewinds 80 2010-12-01
Ruth Baer Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Ruth Bradley Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Ruth Brunner Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Ruth Carey Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Ruth Frick Freewinds 87 2012-01-01
Ruth Knudsen Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Ruth Lennie Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Ruth Lennie Freewinds 82 2011-01-01
Ruthe Humphrey Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Ruthie Bradley Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Ruthie Bradley Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Ruti Ydovich Freewinds 60 2005-11-01
Sabine Ender Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Sabine Haible Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Sabine Haible Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Sabine Mayer Freewinds 82 2011-01-01
Sabine Rohrig Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Sabine Rohrig Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Saila Domani Freewinds 78 2010-05-01
Sakura Thompson Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Sally Culloden Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Sally Jeans Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Sally Jensen Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Sally Jensen Freewinds 44 2001-10-01
Sally Perkowitz Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
Sally Slevin Baggett Freewinds 57 2005-04-01
Salomon Dabbah Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Salvatore Acca Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Salvatore Cammarata Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Salvatore Maria Martini Freewinds 10 1993-03-01
Salvatore Siracusano Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Sam Gendusa Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Sam Licciardi Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Sandor Szaniszlo Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Sandor Szaniszlo Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Sandra Duo Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Sandra Epstein Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Sandra Gainsforth Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Sandra Rosti Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Sandra Rostig Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Sandro Asnaghi Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Sandy Adair Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Sandy Breitling Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Sandy Brennan Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Sandy Hockenbery Freewinds 63 2006-06-01
Sandy Kroeger Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Sandy Mesmer Freewinds 46 2002-06-01
Sanjay Aiyar Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Sara Downey Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Sara Jonic Freewinds 61 2006-01-01
Sara Lan Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Sara Lister Goldberg Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Sarah Calderon Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Sarah Condon Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Sarah Condon Freewinds 70 2007-12-01
Sarah Paradise Freewinds 80 2010-12-01
Sarah Russo Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Sarah Russo Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Sarina Foster Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Sarit Kimchi Freewinds 16 1995-06-01
Sarit Kimchi Freewinds 19 1996-04-01
Sarit Kimchi Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Sarit Rosenberg Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Savita Wadhwani Freewinds 81 2010-12-01
Sax Ten Oever Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Scott Bradberry Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
Scott Curry Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Scott Graves Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Scott Gregory Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Scott Gregory Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Scott Kreisberg Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
Scott Mazzarella Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Scott Menaul Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Scott Snow Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Scott Weigand Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Scottie Regensburg Freewinds 16 1995-06-01
Scottie Regensburg Freewinds 19 1996-04-01
Sergio Calcinai Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Seymour Rubin Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Shahab Emrani Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Shahab Emrani Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Sharon Kimbal Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Sharon Kloss Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Sharon Larson Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Sharon Lidchi Freewinds 14 1994-11-01
Sharon Lidchi Freewinds 15 1995-03-01
Sharon Trump Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Shea Pace Freewinds 82 2011-01-01
Sheila Atkinson-Baker Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Sheila Bulger Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Sheila Bulger Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Sheila Gaiman Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Sheila Gaiman Freewinds 53 2004-06-01
Sheila Gellatly Freewinds 53 2004-06-01
Sheila Gluck Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Sheila Gluck Freewinds 52 2004-03-01
Sheila Pauly Freewinds 67 2007-03-01
Shelly Gerber Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Sherene Lee Freewinds 60 2005-11-01
Sheres Graves Freewinds 14 1994-11-01
Sheres Graves Freewinds 15 1995-03-01
Sheri Hamilton Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Sheri Payson Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Sheri Payson Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Sherry Anderson Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Sherry Brier Freewinds 46 2002-06-01
Sherry Durrett Freewinds 61 2006-01-01
Sherry Feeley Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Sherry Hermann Freewinds 81 2010-12-01
Sherry Larson Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Sherry Tully Freewinds 7 1991-12-01
Sheryle Cassano Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Sheryle Festa Freewinds 61 2006-01-01
Shirley Austin Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Shirley Clark Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Siegfried Kiontke Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Siegfried Kiontke Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Sigi Walser Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Sigrid Mohl Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Sigrun Quetes Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Sikica Feldman Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Sikica Feldman Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Silvana Favulli Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Silvana Favulli Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Silvana Favulli Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Silvana Meneghin Freewinds 57 2005-04-01
Silvana Mori Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Silvano Gentilin Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Silvia Becerra Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Simon Meadmore Freewinds 13 1994-07-01
Simone Lorenzen Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Simone Poehlmann Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Sioux Hart Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Sissi Reginato Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Sita Benetatos Freewinds 81 2010-12-01
Soazik Canonne Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Solomon Dabbah Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Solveig van den Berg Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Sonia Bragato Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Sonia Hines Freewinds 79 2010-08-01
Sonny Weber Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Sonya Scott Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Sophie Betke Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Soren Sorensen Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Stacey Patton Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Stafan Gebhardt-Seele Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Staffan Svensson Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Stagy Ruiz Freewinds 60 2005-11-01
Stan Gerson Freewinds 43 2001-07-01
Stanley Gerson Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Stanley Swenson Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Star Hillman Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Stefan Erdtmann Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Stefan Schneider Freewinds 48 2002-12-01
Stefania Gaillard Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Stefania Merlino Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Stefano Griffante Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Stephanie Kilpatrick Freewinds 53 2004-06-01
Stephanie Trollope Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Stephen Boyko Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Stephen Edison Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Stephen Marchese Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Stephen Parodi Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Stephen Redpath Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Steve Fabos Freewinds 83 2011-03-01
Steve Hayes Freewinds 57 2005-04-01
Steve Heard Freewinds 53 2004-06-01
Steve Honka Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Steve Marchese Freewinds 57 2005-04-01
Steve Weitz Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Steve Wu Freewinds 63 2006-06-01
Steve Yeich Freewinds 46 2002-06-01
Steven Besio Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Steven Ferry Freewinds 61 2006-01-01
Steven Hayes Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Steven Hechtman Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Steven Perrin Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Stinne Siracusano Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Su Falcon Freewinds 84 2011-05-01
Sue Birkenshaw Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Sue D. Anderson Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
Sue Graef Freewinds 62 2006-04-01
Sue Hollom Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
Sue Lynn Moore Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Sue McCarty Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Sue Miller Freewinds 86 2011-09-01
Sun Ok Grope Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Sunny Fish Freewinds 86 2011-09-01
Susan Ahola Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Susan Arnold Freewinds 86 2011-09-01
Susan Broughton Freewinds 70 2007-12-01
Susan Davis Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Susan Hamady Freewinds 78 2010-05-01
Susan Jelonek Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Susan Kerr Freewinds 60 2005-11-01
Susan Lefkowitz Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Susan Posyton Simon Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Susan Rowe Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Susan Rowe Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Susan Royal Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Susan Safirstein Freewinds 52 2004-03-01
Susan Sisson Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Susan Watson Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Susan Whitman Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Susana Moreno Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Susane Chalmers Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Susanne Bornemann Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Susanne Montangero Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Susette Ackle Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Susi Ender Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Susi Wirth Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Susie Mattison Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Susie Shugart Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Suzan Ott Freewinds 66 2006-12-01
Suzanna Sudalnik Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Suzanna Sudalnik Freewinds 66 2006-12-01
Suzanne Justus Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Suzanne Roberts Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Suzy Barbee Freewinds 60 2005-11-01
Sven Venzin Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Sven Venzin Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Sydney Lee Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Sylvia Heneghan Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Sylviane Faust Freewinds 65 2006-10-01
Sylvie Viau Freewinds 86 2011-09-01
Sylvie Wellhoff Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
T.L. Rosenkranz Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Tali Vitry Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Tamara Dahill Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Tammy Gardner Freewinds 66 2006-12-01
Tamra Meskimen Freewinds 53 2004-06-01
Tara Kitt Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Tatjana Stahl Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Tatjana Stahl Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Ted Lewis Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Ted Winegar Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Tercy Silber Freewinds 86 2011-09-01
Terence Hines Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Teresa Crosley Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Teresa Riccardi Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Teri Rigdon Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Terrence Shank Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Terri Marx Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Terri Novitsky Freewinds 13 1994-07-01
Terri Novitsky Freewinds 46 2002-06-01
Terrie Arnold Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Terry Aderhold Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Terry Johnston Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Terry Morrill Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Terry Morrill Freewinds 70 2007-12-01
Terry Mundon Freewinds 70 2007-12-01
Thea Jackson-Jacobs Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Thea Rich Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Theo Box Freewinds 8 1992-03-01
Theo Grant Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Theo Grant Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Theresa Dempsey Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Theresa Williams Freewinds 84 2011-05-01
Therese Donze Freewinds 21 1996-12-01
Thomas Chandler Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Thomas Coates Freewinds 61 2006-01-01
Thomas Frigge Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Thomas Maib Freewinds 82 2011-01-01
Thomas Maxwell Sr. Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Thomas Roder Freewinds 81 2010-12-01
Thomas Steiner Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Thomas Wright Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Tiare Widmaier Freewinds 63 2006-06-01
Tim Bowles Freewinds 53 2004-06-01
Tim Melchior Freewinds 7 1991-12-01
Tim Richardson Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Tim White Freewinds 83 2011-03-01
Tina Dillard Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Tina Eckstein Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Tina Estey Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Tina Pagnutti Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Tina Phillips Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Tina Sponsillo Freewinds 16 1995-06-01
Tina Sponsillo Freewinds 19 1996-04-01
Tiziana Bonazza Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Tiziana Colognese Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Tiziana Colombo Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Tiziana Lugli Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Tiziana Romanini Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Tiziana Vico Freewinds 78 2010-05-01
Tiziano Mainini Freewinds 60 2005-11-01
Tiziano Minello Freewinds 67 2007-03-01
Tobias Leutenegger Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Todd Lucht Freewinds 65 2006-10-01
Tom Chandler Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Tom Johnston Freewinds 62 2006-04-01
Tom Magee Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Tom Reitze Freewinds 65 2006-10-01
Tom Shuck Freewinds 79 2010-08-01
Tom Shuster Freewinds 70 2007-12-01
Tom Supak Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Tomas Tillberg Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Tomas Tillberg Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Toni Swarens Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Tony Butzlaff Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Tony Hitchman Freewinds 46 2002-06-01
Tony Hollom Freewinds 67 2007-03-01
Tony Lonstein Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Tony Urbanek Freewinds 65 2006-10-01
Tony Walpert Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Torrey Spencer Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Torrey Spencer Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Tova Wolff Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Tricia Lycett Freewinds 77 2009-04-01
Trine Kjeldsen Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Udo Eckstein Freewinds 60 2005-11-01
Ulli Sommer Freewinds 5 1991-04-01
Ulli Sommer Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Ulrich Gurzinski Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Ulrich Gurzinski Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Ulrich Katzschmann Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Umberto Orlandini Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Uri Zakay Freewinds 79 2010-08-01
Ursi Keat Freewinds 67 2007-03-01
Ursi Lussi Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Ursula Arnold Freewinds 85 2011-08-01
Ursula Buhler Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Ursula Keat Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Ursula Kellman Freewinds 53 2004-06-01
Ursula Kellman Gambert Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Ursula Neurohr Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Uta Bucerius Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Uta Bucerius Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Uta Maria Rentsch Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Uta Rentsch Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Ute Lahmann Freewinds 49 2003-04-01
Uwe Duden Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Uwe Meyer Freewinds 87 2012-01-01
Val Smith Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Valerie Futris Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Valerie Futris Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Valerie Manago Freewinds 60 2005-11-01
Valerii Kokura Freewinds 79 2010-08-01
Valter Brignoli Freewinds 55 2004-12-01
Vanessa Bellmaine Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Vanessa Cordero Freewinds 87 2012-01-01
Vanessa Mooney Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Veni-Lin Cvetkovic Freewinds 83 2011-03-01
Vera Hopkins Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Vera Tweed Heer Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Vered Ziv Freewinds 68 2007-06-01
Veronica Orvananos Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Veronika Fliegerbauer Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Veronique Pizzinast Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Vicki Bromboz Freewinds 61 2006-01-01
Vicki Marshall Freewinds 52 2004-03-01
Victor Szalay Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Victoria Agami Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Victoria Brancati Freewinds 80 2010-12-01
Victoria Gerbino Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Victoria Montesinos Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Victoria Raschidi Freewinds 4 1990-12-01
Vikki Lorentzen Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Vikki Petersen Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Vikki Walker Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Viktor Sigfried Walser Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Vincent Gulasa Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Vincent Gulasa Freewinds 70 2007-12-01
Vincent Magni Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Vincent Magni Freewinds 54 2004-10-01
Vincenzo Servodio Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Vincenzo Servodio Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Vincenzo Trapanese Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Virgilio Castellano Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Virginia Fair Freewinds 59 2005-09-01
Virginia Garza Freewinds 60 2005-11-01
Virginia Jensen Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Virginia Lindskog Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Virginia Sloane Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Vittorio Montini Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Vivian Bardavid Freewinds 6 1991-08-01
Vivian Eriksen Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Viviane Agami Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Vreni Schonenberger Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Vreni Schurtenberger Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Waki Zoellner Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Wally Hanks Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Wayne Fuller Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Wayne Higashi Freewinds 78 2010-05-01
Wayne Norris Freewinds 82 2011-01-01
Wayne Weaver Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Wendell Dayton Freewinds 70 2007-12-01
Wendi-Lynn Hechtman Freewinds 64 2006-09-01
Wendy Bostrom Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Wendy Ettricks Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Wendy Ettricks Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Wendy Ghiora Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Wendy Ghiora Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Wendy Moose Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Wendy Negley Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Werner Eichenberger Freewinds 86 2011-09-01
Werner Schnetler Freewinds 47 2002-09-01
Wiebeke Hansen Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Wiebke Koenig Freewinds 89 2012-04-01
Will Boeger Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Willi Flosser Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
William Moon Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
William Stromberg Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
William Wesch Freewinds 88 2012-02-01
Willie B. Wilson Freewinds 3 1990-08-01
Willie Newman Freewinds 8 1992-03-01
Wilma Katzschmann Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Wilma Katzschmann Freewinds 69 2007-10-01
Wolf Mayer Freewinds 82 2011-01-01
Wolfgang Baitz Freewinds 79 2010-08-01
Wolfgang Zabel Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Wouter Korringa Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Yael Lir Freewinds 83 2011-03-01
Yaffa Klopshtok Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Yaffa Klopstock Freewinds 50 2003-08-01
Ylva Balasz Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Yolanda Curty Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Yolande Turner Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Yu-Chun Lee Freewinds 73 2008-10-01
Yuval Ivankovski Freewinds 74 2009-08-01
Yvonne Prince Freewinds 8 1992-03-01
Yvonne Prince Freewinds 46 2002-06-01
Yvonne Schick Freewinds 75 2009-12-01
Zahid Qureshi Freewinds 80 2010-12-01
Ziba Feulner Freewinds 70 2007-12-01
Zoran Peshich Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Zsannet Bandi Freewinds 73 2008-10-01