Pierre Ethier - Applied Scientology Processing Auditor Class XII

My Last Days in the Sea Org

I reluctantly left the Sea Org in December 1992, after conditions became simply impossible to live under, and after Senior management failure to brainwash me with their non-sense. I had never anticipated to leave the Sea Org before.

When I heard with my own ears David Miscavige (Chairman of the Board of RTC) gloating with Marc Yager (IG Admin) and Marc Ingber (CO CMO Int) about his latest new invented unusual and cruel punishment of a staff member, (a completely off-beat Ethics handling) and later heard him voicing evil purposes that he had toward my organization (the FSO), I decided that I did not wish to continue to support such a degenerate any longer. This was the final straw, having witnessed in a single week, more injustices and cruelty than any level of human decency should be allowed to tolerate. What I personally witnessed coming out of the mouths of David Miscavige, Mark Ingber and Marc Yager was far closer to Joseph Stalin's ideals than even a corrupted version of Scientology could have been. While I would have undoubtedly tolerated someone dramatizing LRH Valence, even if it was one of his darker sides, I drew the line at following a trio who could only remind me of Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler and Hermann Goering.

So I left.

I left Flag through the front door, after completing all the requirements that were asked from me (including getting sec-check by an auditor who had just been declared a suppressive). I left the Flag Land Base under amiable terms.

That auditor was declared Suppressive for allegedly doing out-tech on John Travolta. He audited me at length on Sec-checks and FPRD. Perhaps I was expected me to somehow become PTS to him, since he was still under his suppressive declare during our sessions together, since the suppressive is traditionally supposed to do in the people they audit.

I had been personally drilled and individually coached within an inch of my life on Sec-checking by IG Tech and Senior C/S Int. I was the first auditor to successfully go through this program of being a “PERFECT sec-checker”. This was a requisite for doing the New OT VIII Eligibility check on the OT VIII hopefuls for the Freewinds Maiden Voyage in 1988. They had disregarded the fact that the end product of that course was my unequalled ability to detect and recognize any and all manifestations of Overts, Withholds and Evil Purposes on everyone I dealt with. (including Senior Management, RTC and others).

I had produced in the vicinity of 25 000 Well Done auditing Hours in my career as an auditor, which was substantially more than any auditor had ever done at the time, anywhere. All my pcs (with virtually no exceptions) were rave (and still are) about their wins and were smoothly progressing up the Bridge. I have always found the experience of auditing very rewarding, when I have seen how much people can change and improve their lives for the better.

Becoming a Class XII is extremely difficult, due to the thoroughness of the training, where everything one does is put under a microscope, and because “unreasonable” standards of perfection are expected in every single thing. If anyone thinks that a Class XII is merely an auditor trained to deliver the L-10,11,12 procedures, they have no concept of it whatsoever.

I do not hide it that I find it annoying that an "auditor" with less than 1% of my technical baggage, picks up an altered version of the Ls on the Internet and satisfied that he has a list of commands and processes he can now robotically repeat with no understanding whatsoever of the underlying theory, labels himself a Class XII or claims to be my "Technical Peer".

FAKE L Rundowns delivered in the Free Zone

One for one each and every individual that I have examined that received the "Ls" (or whatever you call their alter-ised rendition) from someone who did not train correctly on the full theory with all the approprate drills done with an experienced Class XII had the following three symptoms months and years after "completing them":

  1. General case state seriously deteriorated

  2. Doing significantly worse in life after the auditing. (many compared their life as little better than being flotsam)

  3. Noticeable worsening of physical condition.

I know it well, I have done some reviews of those botched cases and people were in truly miserable condition.

The reasons are obvious: Cases are not being setup, the "Auditor" doesn't have a clue what he is auditing. Botched L&Ns, Unblown case, Unflat Evil Intentions and partially run Succumb Postulates.

Also since these auditors have obviously the quickie impulse (they do not even try to train completely on the materials), they invariably quickie those rundowns in one quarter to one tenth of the time they should be spending on them. The full phenomenon is described in C/S Series 77.

The following should be read by anyone considering delivering without adequate training or receiving the Ls from same:

It is rumoured that the Ls Materials that were leaked on the Internet and are in use by various FZ auditors today were purposely leaked by the Church with the unavowed intention to "spin the squirrels". Their "release" contained major steps out of sequence, carefully misworded commands meant to cave in the entire case on the recipient and core steps meant to blow Succumb Postulates were carefully omitted.

Whether this is true or not I lack concrete evidence to state with certainty, but having read the versions of the Ls in use by FZ auditors, I can state unequivocally that the version they use is completely consistent with that theory. It certainly aligns with the Church philosophy about applying "FAIR GAME" to those they regard as "Squirrels".

Thank to a remarkable memory and years of practice auditing and translating the Ls Rundowns in 5 languages, I have been able to reconstruct the entirety of the Ls Rundowns and their remedies. My write up is well over 500 pages long and contains the totality of all 3 rundowns as well as their entire history, background, theory and remedies. (Compare this to the paltry 50 pages released on the Internet).