On September 5th, 1996 a person in Sweden by the name of Zenon Panoussis filed NOTs with the Swedish Parliament Office. "Scientology responded by demanding that the court case be placed under "secrecy" -- effectively sealing the case and thus ensuring that NOTs would not made accessible to the public in the way that the OT levels were entered as part of the Fishman Affidavit. But the secrecy order was initially denied. Zenon posted instructions on how to order copies of legal documents from the court on September 9, including copies of NOTs. The issue of secrecy was evidently vital to Scientology: in this message, Zenon notes that Scientology filed a second request for secrecy, and they appealed their first request. But these motions of secrecy were again dismissed by the Stockholm court of appeals. On Friday the 13th (ironically?), as Zenon writes, "the OTs and NOTs are still public documents and will most probably remain so forever." As the OT court cases demonstrated in America, it is currently legal to order a copy of NOTs from the Stockholm court. (However, the legality of making copyrighted materials available for download on the Internet is questionable.)
Why were Scientology's requests for secrecy repeatedly denied? The reason has to do with a unique policy in Sweden called offentlighetsprincipen. This is a provision of the Swedish constitution that guarantees access to public documents in order to prevent corruption and fraud, and it is considered a basic civil right in Sweden. The policy is explained in more detail in this email from an anonymous Swedish official."
Currently number of people in the free field who have ordered copies of NOTs through the justice system may own a perfectly legal copy of NOTs materials. Please note that this article does not constitute a legal advice in regard to the status of those documents as the law vary in different jurisdictions. In addition it appears the authentic NOTs materials filed in the legal system have been stolen on a number of occasions and allegedly replaced with “Black Scientology” materials in order to sink in the free field. The replacement of the originally filed materials is on record.
NOTE: Some of the upper level materials that were independently leaked have been seeded with subverted issues designed to bring about instability or potential insanity within the unfortunate recipient. Therefore it would be wise to authenticate the source materials used.
Related link: History of NOTs on the Net