Being an authentic Class XII is many light years beyond that.
First of all one needs to become a Flag auditor. This is quite an achievement in itself - Flag training, and in particular its Interships are very tough, starting with Class IV and NED. My cramming officer had all the characteristics of an army drill sergeant, plus some additional toughness and meanness to boot.
On the tape “Welcome to the Flag Internship” LRH states: “in this Universe there are no absolutes... There is one exception: Flag Auditing”.
It took me years of training, cramming, retread, audit, cramming, retrain, ethics, retread, audit, retrain , Ethics, cramming, audit, retrain, audit to be considered a stable flubless Flag Class IV auditor.
Becoming a Flubless Class IV Flag auditor is like going through a boot camp except what little fun or breaks have been removed.
Per Flag standards:
- any pc with poor results, dissatisfied, blowy, sick or complaining = Out Tech from the auditors = Lower Conditions/Ethics = Cramming/retread. This is always accompanied by extensive O/W write-ups and sec-checking/FPRD.
- Tech Stats down or large refunds = rampant out Tech = All Auditors ordered to do videos sent to RTC where ruthless Inspectors will critique them. This is always accompanied by Ethics and O/W write-ups
- Org stats down: all auditors to do retreads and cramming and submit videos to Snr C/S. The smallest flub to be ruthlessly criticized.
Normal Sea Org Schedule: 7 Days a week 8:30AM to 11PM. One day off every two weeks IF upstat and if here is Danger Condition for his department, division or organization.
Danger Condition Sea Org Schedule; 7 days per week 7AM to 11PM, 15 mins meal breaks, NO family time for parents). NO Day off.. Half pay. Meals consist solely of cooked but otherwise unseasoned and unprepared lain beans and plain white rice. RPF for anyone who is a repeat flubber or who doesn’t get on rapidly with the program.
This is so tough that less that 5% of auditors who try for it make it, the rest end up on minor tech posts, like folder admin, tech pages, or they leave the Sea Org.
No time to rest on one’s laurels, the Class IV needs to do a whole bunch of Specialist courses. There are loods of “programs”, each one requiring star rate checkouts, method Nine W/Cing or drills, which eat up the little study time one has left. There are dozens of these courses, many with Interships.
Inevitably your TRs will be found at Fault. They may be good, but they aren’t perfect. Unless you truly believe you can put LRH own TRs to shame expect a retread and retrain of TRs or more.
I had the fortune of doing my last TR course retrain under the best TR Course Supervisor in the world trained by LRH himself) and made a breakthrough of such magnitude that my TRs were never again found at fault. In fact they were passed by LRH himself, the last time he ever critiqued Videos.
After completing OT III, and IV, one starts the NOTS course and Internship and audit that level. Same for solo NOTS.
When an auditor reaches these levels, the stakes are higher. Most celebrities and heavy financial contributors are on these levels. This means yet closer scrutiny of your sessions, secret videotaping or listen-in. Worst than a politician, your entire pc folder and inner habits become common knowledge of the
ruling Tech hierarchy. There is always someone ready to write a Knowledge report on you at the slightest fancied deviation from the true path. Standards are raised. You are now a Class IX auditor.
If you found the road to Class IV tough, the road to Class IX is rougher and thornier. You are OT V and are expected to be able to withstand a hell of a lot more of a beating than a mere Clear. If the demands on the Class IV were utterly unreasonable, the ones on a Class IX are now unreal. Those who don’t make it are sent back to Class IV HGC or RPFed.
You are now a seasoned Class IX fully interned and stable. That’s the good news. The bad news Class XII is still so far away that the last hurdle you leaped over is like only 100 meter from the start of a one-kilometre race.
The next big hurdle is the Saint Hill Special Briefing course. Imagine studying all Technical volumes, all LRH books and over 450 tapes (averaging 90 minutes each), plus hundreds of clay demos, drills, essays, … Unless the auditor is very lucky to be put Full time (an event as unlucky as being the big winner in a National lottery), one can try to do it part time. I did it in 4 years. I know of no one else who ever did. The way I succeeded was by studying during my meal breaks, after hours until midnight, on my day off. Of course you have to continue to be a flubless auditor at your level or you will end up on retread/retrain or ethics.
Shortly before I finished the SHSBC, Snr C/S Int came to Flag to personally trained 5 auditors and a C/S to become flubless Sec-Checker. I was among the chosen. Our auditing was put under a microscope, each and every minute flub was ferociously and savagely stamped out. We were drilled, we learned KSW and a number of auditors basics VERBATIM. We videoed, videoed, videoed, under the intense scrutinity of Snr C/S Int and RTC. Perfection was the Minimum acceptable standards. Savage and Ruthless Ethics was applied. Any alternatives, but to get on with the programs fast were made too gruesome to confront. Passing one video was not enough, we had to pass them over and over to demonstrate that the entire session from beginning to end was “perfection”. I became the first auditor to complete the program.
Only auditors having completed this program were deemed fit to do the OT VIII Eligibility checks aboard the Freewinds for all Maiden Voyage hopefuls.
Having completed the SHSBC and the Sec-Checker program for OT VIII Eligibility auditors, I could finally set my eyes on Class XII.
The Class VIII course was the next hurdle. Being now a hardened Flag auditor, going through Class VIII was pretty much of a breeze. The course is done three times through and you have to memorize verbatim the Auditor code and the Laws of Listing and Nulling. On the other hand another auditor who was nowhere near hardened as me (she was a Class VI from ASHO) utterly caved in at the ferocious and savage application of Ethics on the Class VIII course. People were thrown overboard the ship for flubs, on the original course and the class VIII materials are very explicit about the gruesome details.
I completed Class VIII, did the Internship. Then the goals mini course (a short course with twenty tapes that are on No other course –including the BC) and that are vital for understanding the Ls rundowns. Then Class X, XI, XII.
The Class X,XI, XII original courses give drills and special TRs found nowhere else. These need to be done with a seasoned Class XII, not another student, as inevitably the student does it wrong. These special techniques enable the auditor to Bypass the normal Mind protection Mechanism and reach areas of the case unreachable by any other means.

The pc is so much in session and feels so safe that even the din from the construction next room would not disturb him. (One of my pc said that when I said “This is the Session”. The whole Flag land Base came up to present time). The metering is such that the auditor is able to recognize and even take up on special processes slows in an otherwise widely Floating Needle. The auditor presence is such that the auditor does not have to dig up in the case to find something to run, but rather areas of the case present themselves on a platter with a handle begging to be plucked.
At this level of auditing, a session is not only completely smooth, but the auditor never Overruns anything and always gets a process or action to its EP, he always stops at the right time.
To sum it all it was very hard, but I was helped by the best. Jeff Walker a Class XII C/S personally trained by LRH who held Snr C/S FSO and Snr C/S Int, gave me the most help. Ray Mithoff who held Snr C/S FLB and IG Tech supervised much of my training and Internship. John Eastment supervised most of my Class X,XI,XII auditing and Interships.
Pierre Ethier