It was in the Fall of 1973. Unknown to anyone at the time, even to the entire Scientology world, but only to a selected few, LRH had resided in Queens, New York for the previous 10 Months. Some say, he was hiding, from attempts at indicting him for fiscal reasons.
Whatever the case, he deemed it best to return to the Ship (which was in Lisbon) at that point in time.
Accompanied by his two body guards (Jim Dincalci and Paul Preston), he decided, to avoid possible FBI scrutiny on American based International flights, to take the train to Canada, and to fly to Lisbon directly from there.
Upon arrival in Montreal and after booking a room as "Mr Harris" at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel in Downtown Montreal, LRH was pleased to discover that Montreal Org was within a mere 10 minute walk from the hotel. Montreal had some significance for LRH, since a personal friend and one of the first people to train as an auditor in Elizabeth, New Jersey in the Summer of 1950 had opened one of the very first Dianetics Foundation, in Montreal later that year.
In spite of the obvious, if unvoiced, misgivings his companions had on the fear that he may end up being publicly recognized, LRH decided to pay a visit to the new fledging Org...

I am not certain how much I understood at the time from that communication cycle. It must have lasted a mere few seconds, but it had enough bandwidth to have kept someone occupied for a whole hour. There was no denial about his true identity. there was nothing that could be construed as a lie, even in retrospect, but there was a definite and deliberate suggestion that I had "better things to do".
A few years later, after I joined the Sea Org at Flag, three times, when I wrote to LRH about my taking constructive steps and making concrete progress toward my goal of becoming a Class XII Auditor, I had both the incredible thrill and experience of receiving my reply, not on the standard SO-1 stationery, but in LRH own handwriting on my own letter. Those letters will continue to remain amongst my most precious possessions and clearly indicate how special becoming a Class XII has always been to LRH.
I am not aware of anyone else, having received handwritten replies on the SO-1 line (letters to Ron), and certainly not from any other Class XII that I ever worked with. I have also verified with SO-1 staff during the 1980s, that my encounter with LRH was historically possible and it was their opinion that in most probability my description of the events was entirely accurate.