The practitioner or craftsman who repeatedly violates the proven fundamentals of his or her discipline is in the same position as the individual who is actually ignorant of the primary Axioms or Laws upon which it is based. Except when dealing with the simplest of cases, they will be fumbling in the dark and their results will be guided by chance rather than a well mapped course of action.
This is especially pertinent when auditing and programming cases.
In the Church, disregarding technical rules has always been known as "Out-Tech" and as a KSW (Keep Scientology Working) Violation. For many years the Church treated perceived offenders as “heretics”, but current Church hardliners now view them much like devout Christians view Devil worshippers.
Applying auditing correctly has nothing to do with those fanatical views. It should simply be done right because it is not only the professional thing to do but it fully aligns with the notion of “Best Practice” in technical and business fields.

Some may be tempted to dismiss such pompous labeling as a purely dogmatic approach. The truth is that neither the engineer who chooses to disregard the law of gravity when building a house or a bridge, nor the practitioner who elects to transgress the auditor code will ever succeed.
Rather than untangling a case into its fundamental simplicity, such an auditor will complicate it and even add his own practices as an aberrant element within the pc’s case. The same can be said of the auditor who disregards the auditing comm cycle, does not apply PTS tech when addressing PTSes or who fail to complete cycles of actions by his reckless mixture of rundowns and repairs
In Engineering Sciences, it would be the akin to jury-rigging a contraption expecting it to function in such a state indefinitely, simply because it has managed to hold itself together for a while.
A Free Zone practitioner who shall remain nameless once told me that he never did correction lists on cases that needed them because "They didn’t work". If it is true that some people have gone overboard by using correction lists at the drop of a hat with, correction list are nevertheless a very valuable tool.
I can conclusively state, after more than 25,000 hours spent auditing pcs through the better part of four decades that when judiciously applied, correction lists not only well, but expert auditors have been known to crack cases completely using nothing but them. The number of cases, I have been able to personally crack without needing to resort to other tools is probably north of a thousand.
Hubbard wrote numerous issues in the 1970s explaining how indifferent or inadequate TRs were responsible for lack of results or reads on correction lists. Decades of personal experience picking up the failed cases from less experienced practitioners, have fully confirmed that Hubbard's statements on the matter are deeply rooted in sound experience.
Rather than addressing a usual TR problem with its obvious remedy, the above mentioned practitioner's solution was to resort to the unusual solution of coffee shop auditing, which he apparently still does. There, unfettered by the restraints imposed upon him by the auditor code or by a model session, he would end up steering the cases where he wanted them to go, which invariably included an uncompromising allegiance toward himself and viciously attacking any perceived enemies.
Accustomed to the endless and uncontrolled ramblings stemming from dozens of coffee shop sessions, his pcs could be easily recognized by their compulsive habits to discuss ad nauseam the technicalities and detailed responses of their cases to processes in every forum that would hear them (and even some of those that wouldn’t). It never dawned on any of those individuals that the long held datum about pcs rehashing their sessions, which is simply a form of self-auditing is the byproduct of unflat processes and was entirely applicable to them. The only handling they needed was of course to flatten anything unflat, instead of continually seeking new processes to satisfy their “lack of results”.

In completely different circles, there is a theory going around and shared a number of individuals, that deeply hidden and intricate conspiracies are the only things that are truly wrong not only in the entire Universe but in life as well.
Judging not just from the abandonment of numerous tech basics by both the creators and the proponents of that theory, but largely though entirely subjective notions that they propagated under the label of “obvious facts”, these theories closely follow the tenets of superstition, where explanations for life occurrences and society happenings are explained through involved mystical ideas rather than through observable facts, reason, and knowledge.
One of the most fundamental and old mystical ideas at the root of such theories is Manichaeism, which is the doctrine of the endless battle between the Dark Forces of Evil against those promoting Enlightenment.
Whether Evil goes by the name of Satan (Judeo-Christian faiths), Xenu (Neo-Scientology) or the "Evil Emperor" (Jedi - Star Wars religion), the principle remains exactly the same.
One can find Evil almost anywhere. Sometimes its source cannot clearly be identified. Other times complex or unpredictable factors conspire to cause unfortunate happenstances. There are times when the most down to earth emotions of greed, revenge, envy or sloth are simply responsible for disaster.
Just like a case is made of many different components, and has more than a single evil identity having affected it, so does life.
Primitive Man explained Thunder and Lightning through Magic and Spirits. Conversely, a lack of understanding of the true Science of dealing with the case condition of being the Adverse Effect of things (PTS Technology) can lead an otherwise knowledgeable individual completely astray in his search for the cause of it...
An individual becomes the adverse effect of something (PTS) when a person or thing in his present time environment is perceived as preventing him from having things and enforcing things he or she does not want. In other words the phenomenon of PTS has mostly to do with the individual own case an reaction to stimuli, than actions effected by the perceived source of suppression.
To the degree that someone is out of present time and stuck on the remote track, he or she will misconceive long gone oppressors as if they were actually part of present time. The Reactive Mind associates its content (painful events and memories) with oppressors and enemies. Whereas the number of available past oppressors (suppressive) remains relatively low in the average case, those with a significant amount of entheta on their case will have far more oppressors in restimulation. Because the structure of the reactive mind is to forbid and to avoid, the tendency of such cases will be to transpose those past oppressors as present time individuals.
This is why Search and Discovery gets done and works so well.. It is an exact process designed to identify past suppressive so that they no longer remain confused with people that make up the individual’s present time environment.
For individuals who are highly charged or restimulated either through a chronic case condition or mis-auditing , the number of suppressive from the track can exceed the number of people in present time This in turn will cause the case to try to supplement real people with Aliens, Secret Agents, intergalactic Invaders and even “Voices beyond this realm”.
Extensive data on PTS technology, not found anywhere else was released during the last Technical course Hubbard personally instructed, in October and November 1975 in Daytona Beach. A number of observations made by John McMaster that had been disregarded in the original PTS Technology research from 1965 were quietly incorporated into it
The content of those 29 lectures, of which the author listened to the Master Copies, crystallized PTS Tech into a highly workable and final handling. It will be the subject of a subsequent article.
To summarize: PTS is a problem, it exist primarily in the individual’s universe. By correctly addressing the exact problem on all flows and its prior confusion all the way down to its root, one can blow permanently and forever any PTS condition.
Therefore any suppressive, no matter how powerful he may have been can and should be blown in a finite number of steps and be gone for good instead of coming back level after level for handling, which in itself is a bad indicator (recurring items)
The auditor (and in Solo auditing, his Case Supervisor) must be strictly bound by the auditor code.
An inexpert auditor or Case Supervisor can, wittingly or unwittingly, falsely validate fanciful notions of the pc.
Falsely validating entirely fanciful notions either like those described above or new ones is the surest way to make them stick and anchor them as "stable data".
Doing the opposite is not any better. It is known as invalidation and is certain to eventually lead to a strong rejection of the auditor by the pc. It will deteriorate a case even faster than false validation ever could.
In cases when the inexpertness or ignorance of the auditor and/or C/S has caused the validation of those fantasies, the case can be expected to become more and more frantic in asserting those views until proper action is undertaken to actually destimulate a case that the previous auditor and Case Supervisor have over-restimulated.
It is a commonly held belief by Homo Sapiens that unusual situations should be addressed through unusual Solutions.
Hubbard said it perhaps a thousand times: “In the presence of the Unusual: Do the Usual”. The reason he had to say it so often is obviously because the datum is instinctively violated not only by neophyte auditors, but many experienced ones as well.
Perhaps when the science behind the phenomena one seeks to address is largely unknown, doing the unusual may be viewed as desirable. However in the case of auditing and programming cases, it has been my experience that the relatively small set of rules and laws established many years ago were sufficient to handle all situations that are likely to come at hand. When those laws appear inadequate it is typically because a lack of expertise leads to an inability to design a solution specifically designed for the case at hand. A surprisingly high number of people seem to realize that whereas the number of governing laws and rules are very small, the actual manner in which to apply those few principles and the number of possible auditing command is nearly infinite. Such misconceptions inevitably stem from those who have failed to acquire a conceptual understanding of the technology or learned to apply it exactly. To escape the confusion they find themselves immersed in, they will settle for a stable datum, typically in the form of a set of arbitrary rules and robotic patter. Originators of new “Stable Data” seek to supplant conceptual understanding of the technology.
This is where the Church under the guidance of its new Leader is largely failing: they have confused exact application with rote application and appear to think that only if they can maintain complete control of both auditor and pc, they will succeed. They fail to realize that the end product of such a policy is a form of slavery which is the exact opposite of what the state of OT stands for.
Being creative in applying exactly a finite number of laws can be observed in the field of Engineering, namely the design of automobile engines.
There are a very small number of physical laws involved in the creation of an internal combustion engine like those used in a car: they are primarily the laws of thermodynamics and those of inertia.
Yet literally thousands of vastly different engine designs have made their ways in automobiles in the last century: 4,5,6,8,12 and 16 cylinders; opposed, V-shaped, inline, star-shaped; valves on top, on the side, 2,4,6 or 8 valves per cylinder, 2,4 or even 5 strokes engines; and lets not forget radically different designs such as the rotary engine and the turbine. All those engines use the very same laws.
Any problems encountered during the manufacture of an engine are not addressed by dreaming alternate theories to Newton’s Laws of Physics or Einstein’s theory of relativity, but through clever designs anchored in reality that make use of all the known laws of physics to their fullest extent. The same principles apply very much to auditing.
The poorly trained auditor skimps over the surface of a rundown, does not get the pc to really look because of indifferent TRs, fractured comm. cycle or poor session control, misruns the processes and dutifully reports: “It didn’t work”.
Over and over I had to take over pcs from auditors making such claims. Yet again and again the actions that was abandoned (Q&Aed) by the previous auditor because it “didn’t work” is the one I used to crack the case and get them flying again. Is it magic? Is it because I have a secret and mystical line to Hubbard or a Supernatural Being? … Hardly! The answers lies in the having a professional attitude.
Some auditors are known for their “Anything goes” attitude. In their franticness to thrown away the yoke of authoritarianism, they have disregarded the datum that with Freedom come responsibilities as well.
On most of them it never dawn that the hardship they encounter in finding clients and repeated business comes from the lack of confidence inspired by their unprofessional demeanor.
To quote Hubbard on the subject: “It isn't magic or luck that makes the professional. It's hard won know-how carefully applied. A true professional may do things pretty easily from all appearances, but he is actually taking care with each little bit that it is just right”
At the antipodes of being a robot, are the auditor and the case supervisor who have truly mastered their art. Not at all rote, completely spontaneous yet adhering to the rules of the technology with uncanny precision, such experts daily perform the ultimate act of creativity, by designing and applying in a thousand different variations the handful of principles they have learned so well to free people.
A number of people in the FZ have taken upon themselves to "research the OT levels".
The vast majority did little more than deeply examine their own case in the search of solution to their unwanted idiosyncrasies. In other words it was a sophisticated form of self-auditing. They would have been much better off if they had allowed another auditor to put them on the cans and run them on questions like: “What is self-auditing a solution to?”. “What confusion or upset took place prior to your desire to self-audit?” Or “What would you like handled in auditing?”
There are numerous perils in taking the road of digging in one’s case for research. The first one should be quite obvious: there is no evidence that the answers and cognitions obtained are in any way universal or even applicable to a large number of people. Independent research by carefully observing and monitoring auditors is the only proven long term successful method. The second problem with the approach takes place because one is both auditor and pc, and so it becomes impossible to entirely separate both hats. Consequently case evaluation of the pc in session is unavoidable.
Last and definitely not least by a long shot is that the Reactive Mind is full of FALSE MEMORIES and MISDIRECTORS..
Anyone investigating the Whole track on himself will sooner or later collide with the Helatrobus or Heaven Implants. Those implants are possibly the most vicious and deceiving Implants ever conceived on the Time Track. They are directly responsible for Religious fervor and fanaticism and for many of the religious notions involving the Angels, Heaven and the Devil, found on this planet.
To render those memories inaccessible, the track in those implants has been thorough grouped and a myriad of false dates have been implanted as part of the final package. To further compound the confusion, the concept of a cyclic track was introduced, along with the idea that incidents and Universes repeat each other over and over. It even lists the number of Prior Universes as ten thousands. The number 10,000 (Ten thousands) appear prominently in those implants and is associated with the concept of Godliness, Perfection and Infinity. Most “researchers” who collide with the Implant actually fail to recognize it as such, because imbedded deep at its core are the ideas that it contains the “Secrets of the Universe” and is “Unbelievable but true”. These Implants are designed to instill fervor and fanaticism in those who contact them because of their extensive “Manic content”. (In other words they are highly complimentary of the individual, as long as he accepts the false ideas herein and seek to make him feel powerful if he accept its false memories and ideas as genuine).
The ancient world appears to have already collided with it. From ideal armies of Ten thousands (Xenophon and the Army of the Ten thousands), to the Egyptian Isis referred to as the "Goddess of the ten thousand names". During the Middle ages a number of Christian Scholars were even professing that God had created heaven 10,000 years earlier and populated it with 10,000 Angels.. Even the Kamikaze War cry “Banzai” actually comes from the blessing given Emperors in antiquity: meaning: (May He live) “Ten thousand years”.
Hubbard collided with the Heaven implants during his 1963 solo Research and even wrote a bulletin to tell the tale. It starts with the tongue in cheek phrase:” I have been to heaven..." He was even admitted confused with the dates and contents for quite a while as he attributed various dates to some of its contents that he took years to eventually correct.
One barely dares to speculate the Insanity that would have become part of his teachings, if Hubbard had interpreted the contents of those implants at face value instead of recognizing them for the implanted and false memories that they were.
Thousands of techniques have been developed in auditing. Many are still used today. A few were short lived, because they were too unpredictable or did not function well.
At this writing, there exists a technique entirely developed in the Free Zone that advocates the unusual solution of Indoctrinating a Being mid process by reading some sort of code or set of rules, when the auditor is unable to reach the End Phenomenon of the process. Failure to reach an End Phenomena, assuming the process is workable to begin with, has two and only two possible causes: The process is still unflat, meaning the same process (not a different one) must be flattened, or there is some form of bypassed charge preventing the release. This is a very fundamental technical point, not invented by me. The entire Case Supervisor Series is devoted around these facts. Upsets, rudiments, overruns can cause bypassed charge. There are hundreds of other reasons: hence the need for assessments and lists. Some auditors with a questionable grasp of fundamentals appear to confuse the handling of bypassed charge, which only address getting rudiments, indicating charge and getting of considerations with major new processes. In Scientologese this is know under the name of “Q and A”, or a failure to complete a cycle of action. That many unsupervised auditors have gotten away with it for years has never made it the right thing to do. It has merely confirmed them in their own sloppiness. In the same way as the reckless or drunk driver gleefully ignores the rules of the road for years and comes to a most an unpleasant and abrupt stop one day.
First of all: to be workable a technique needs to be first of all in agreement with the fundamental rules of auditing. Second: during routine auditing, it should work at least 90% of the time without having to repair it. It is a very poor technique that only works 50% of the time or less and requires a complex set of remedies to make it work. Such a technique is simply ill designed and most likely was never based on sound technical principles to begin with. Yet, among techniques developed after 1982, such abound, both in the Church and in the free Zone, and many have a fervent number of adepts who blindly swear by one or the other.
These are some of the numerous pitfalls that face the person who is looking for answers. It the hope of the author that those who read this article will use their discernment and the advice I give them here so that they can choose a road that is fully compatible with getting more into present time, and hence more able, more aware and more successful, instead of getting bogged down on the remote track
Contrary to Rome, all self-improvement roads do no lead to the state of OT. Many lead to a quiet dead-end. Some end directly into an abyss. A very few actually lead to higher states of Beingness.
Copyright © 2007 Pierre Ethier