PTS people are the ones most prone to be the effect of something best called "Mental telegraphy".
Why? Because PTS is largely a mental and very subjective phenomenon. Of course true suppression exists in the Physical Universe, but one becomes PTS to the degree that he feels the effect of it and unable to become cause again.
This is why "PTS Type A Handling" works (at least temporarily): it seeks to gradually shift the viewpoint of the person from effect to cause.

The only true and workable Solution for the long term is of course a full course of processing of the case so that the factors underlying those predispositions are fully run. This is done by addressing those factors on all flows through the running out of Engrams, problems, O/W, Service facsimiles and Succumb postulates, to name only the most important ones.
Whereas Telepathy is simply a form of communication through non physical means, Mental telegraphy is an entirely different phenomenon and can easily confused by some with Telepathy.
It is worthy of mention that Telepathy is best defined as "communication without any kind of via".
It is characterized by instant thought transference at the conceptual level.
Therefore someone claiming to be receiving "mental communiqués, telexes, faxes or radio signals" from someone else or even from beyond this realm, is merely making a case that he/she is being subjected to mental telegraphy. Anyone who has seen how communiqués, telexes, faxes or radio signals are transmitted and codified, can clearly see that each of those type of communication use several layers of vias, while none at all is required in the case of telepathy.
Mental telegraphy simply means the assumed receipt of mental communication from an alleged external source, when the true source of communication lies entirely within oneself and/or one's case and its associated or composite circuitry.
Mental Telegraphy is characterized by the following twelve characteristics:
- its random occurrence,
- its impossibily to even vaguely corroborate it because the source of those signals is either deceased, beyond this planet or otherwise unavailable. When challenged, the individual will seek to shift the burden of proof away from him and onto anyone challenging him, and will be unable to doubt his position.
- the communication fully aligns with the individual already pre-set views or religious beliefs. Just like one has never hears of a devout Muslim or Jew receiving communication from the Virgin Mary, or Mahomet conversing with fundamental Christians or hard-core atheists.
- It explains something for the individual that has deeply preoccupied him/her until then, and fully aligns with the individual already chosen own stable data in life.
- It solely involve people or entities one is already familiar with, either personally or through reading,
- The communication do not always make sense, and will never take into account information that is unknown to the individual receiving such, but merely paraphrase what the individual receiving it felt predisposed to belive or already knew
- It will never make the recipient wrong, nor itself for that matter.
- It will generally be benevolent in nature and be highly complimentary (offering validations) of the recipient, and the more it is being addressed or "communicated to", the more persistent it will become, until it has set itself up as a powerful manic circuit within the individual. Once it reaches that stage, it will channel repeatedly all form of validation until it becomes the dominant force in the person's case. In the most extreme cases, it will even supplant the individual own self-determinism.
- In the rare cases when the perceived source of mental telegraphy is perceived as malevolent, it will immediately be perceived as all powerful and impossible to overcome without outside intervention, typically of a divine, miraculous or superhuman nature. Like all circuits, the more its presence is validated by acknowledging it own existence as the being it claims to be, the more predominant it will become.
As the circuit grows in importance, the individual will show more and more acute “PTS behavior”, often viewing Ghosts or Aliens and starting to perceive anyone challenging his ideas as their agent and part of an intricate conspiracy.
If its importance is allowed to further increase, its perceived deleterious characteristics will transfer to actual living personae in the individual’s environment, even if most of them having little or no ill will toward the individual. Upon becoming the major circuit on a case, it will seek to attribute itself numerous henchmen, choosing them solely on stimulus-response basis, which will give to the casual observer the appearance of individuals having been chosen either by random or happenstance. As long as the individual subjected to the phenomenon elects a stable datum in an attempt at defeat the pernicious circuit and maintains a reasonable level of being cause, he will be able to function and exhibit most signs of mental sanity.
When the individual becomes overpowered by that type of circuit, the result is insanity, characterized by voices, visions, hallucinations and that belief that there exist an inordinate number of individuals actively plotting his/her demise. In Scientology terms, the latter is called PTS type III. In the psychiatric field it is called schizophrenic paranoia. - Auditing such circuits assuming they are anything but circuits and/or valences will inevitably reinforce their importance on the case and will lower the individual self-determinism. Correctly addressing them per the standard materials on circuits and valences will lower their importance and eventually to their permanent disappearance.
- It is normally impossible without many hours of processing to convince the individual claiming that the mental telegraphy perceived is actually bona-fide telepathy because doing so would challenge the individual's core safe solutions and stable data. In all cases, it is extremely unlikely to occur unless a set of fortuitous events force and individual to adopt form a prime postulate (i.e. the individual faces a sufficiently high necessity level or challenge forcing him to change his views).
- Such circuits show a number of characteristics described in lesser known Upper Level Confidential bulletins issued by Hubbard in the 1970s.